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Mod Aeon MQ 9 Mod for Kodi 21 (Omega)
🤣…honestly, yes it is as clear as mud. I’ll restore the MusicVisualization.xml to the current version and play with that setting and hopefully can get it to be like it was before and post an update. Thanks.
Switching Contextual Art, Art-Music to Prefer Clearlogo was the fix! Honestly I would have never found that…you da man! Thanks.
LOL...yeah, after I typed all that I was thinking, "Oh yeah, that's not confusing at all." Haha. I added that info to the link in the first post that lists a great deal of the skin mods.

Glad you got it working...and you're welcome!

All, I have another update in the hopper. I requested an update to an add-on, so I'm just waiting on that to be completed before I post the update.
i use mq9 mod on android with kodi 21 and have the following question:
when i make an update via the repo, the set widgets are no longer displayed, even if the widgets are set again, they are still not applied.
Only when I reinstall mq9 and set everything up again are the widgets displayed again.
What can I do about this? 
thanks for your support
Howdy, I'll have to try and reproduce this.
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