Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Format Kodi hard drive for regular Debian on Apple TV Gen 1?
Long story short I have an Apple TV generation 1 which I installed Kodi on some time ago. 

I want to just set it up as a regular Debian computer. Mostly because I need a Linux box to do some stuff because somehow it's not working for me on my Mac. 

However it seems like all the scripts to create boot disks etc are also very out of date and I can't get a boot disk.

But since I already have a working install of Kodi that I can SSH into. This might be fine? How would I go about changing the partitions to make space for Debian and how could I install it from the KODI side?

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Format Kodi hard drive for regular Debian on Apple TV Gen 1?0