Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Information New Amazon App is Charging $9.99 for Kodi
An app is available for download on Insignia TVs which asks $9.99 to download Kodi. It originates from this Amazon listing:

It's a new listing - only been up since 12/13/2023. Since Kodi is strictly free and open source, I found this surprising. Does Kodi terms of use allow this? I came here to report.
(2023-12-19, 02:41)Chimken Wrote: It originates from this Amazon listing:
Thanks @Chimken
We became aware of it yesterday through this post...
We have already contacted Amazon and requested a takedown. Hopefully that will happen quickly.
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Please also review the terms and conditions of GPL 2.0-or-later license under which Kodi is developed.

scott s.
They aren't breaking GPL 2 by selling it, but Amazon should be aware and buyer beware.
(2023-12-22, 03:38)emveepee Wrote: They aren't breaking GPL 2 by selling it, but Amazon should be aware and buyer beware.
I am not a lawyer (and definitely not the Kodi Team's lawyer, and not even speaking as a Team member here), but I **think** the case being made is over trademark infringement, not GPL violations.

The GPL likely allows you to take the code, compile it, and sell it, but the Kodi name is trademarked and can't be used without permission of the legal entity that owns it.  So if some other group wants to compile Kodi and sell it as Markum's Media Player or some such thing, that's OK (not great morally, but probably on the legal side of the line).  It just can't have the name Kodi anywhere in it.
Correct - they are in violation of our Official:Trademark_Policy (wiki) by using both the name and the logo.

As mentioned above, this is currently being pursued with Amazon, although as ever being hindered by their insistence on using bots and AI without much of the "I" actually being in evidence...
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Yes I was really talking the OP being surprised that open source software can be sold and wasn't thinking about the trademark, the can call it MrNotMC or whatever they want though.


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