Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Updating old KODI runinng on OpenELEC

I have an old installation of KODI 15.2 running on OpenELEC 6.0.3 on x86 motherboard.

What would be the most elegant way to update it to the latest version?
I would like to run it as an "apliance" like it was working before.

nothing from that install is going to be compatible with a newer version, the database won't migrate, the addons won't work, not even sure that version will create nfo files for the media where you can export separate files and if it does they may not be usable because of artwork urls

there will not be a way to "update" you will just have to install fresh and rebuild


and OpenELEC is no more so you will likely be looking at LibreELEC

ensure your device is supported before you attempt it

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Updating old KODI runinng on OpenELEC0