Kodi movie delete
Hello, I was able to delete movies in Matrix on Kodi external disks. I can't do it now What kind of plugin do I need or what can I do? Thank you in advance.
(2024-02-19, 12:11)dttrabzon Wrote: I was able to delete movies in Matrix on Kodi external disks
You have to enable the setting 2.4... https://kodi.wiki/view/Settings/Media/General
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[font][font]Thank you so much[/font][/font]
[font][font]Merhaba dediklerinizi yaptım ama yine de filmleri silemedim. [/font][font]Sakıncası yoksa başka bir şey yapabilir miyiz?[/font][/font]
(2024-02-22, 13:08)dttrabzon Wrote: Hello I did what you said, but I still couldn't delete the movies. If you don't mind, can we do something else?
Can you provide a Debug Log that captures you trying to delete the movie.

Where is the movie- on a local drive or network? Do you have correct permissions for deletion?
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on local drive
(2024-02-24, 14:49)dttrabzon Wrote: on local drive 
on local drive Kodi I don't know if I have the right permissions
What is actually happening or not happening?

I don't know how much information it might show, but can you provide a Debug Log?
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[font][font]Merhaba günlük tutmayı bu şekilde başardım[/font][/font]
(2024-04-09, 15:53)dttrabzon Wrote: https://paste.kodi.tv/awizayofet
Hello this is how i was able to make a diary

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