auto resume videos
I love xbmc, I had it on my xbox and now the windows version on my htpc.
Last night I wanted to check if auto resume works but the video just started at the beginning when I press play. I also checked the context menu, because on the xbox it has a menu option 'resume', but not in the windows version.
I didn't check my video settings, so I don't know if 'resume last postion' is checked or not. Isn't it enabled by default ?

But now I read the manual and came across this :
Note: You can also start a movie from the last stopped position by opening the context-menu on a movie file (white button on the gamepad) or by just clicking the "Play" button on the remote without the need to have this option enabled.

So even if this option is not enabled the context menu should have resume in it.
Or not ? or are there other context menu's ? or isn't it implemented in the windows version yet ?
It defaults to "Ask". Check your video settings. In the case of "Ask" there are no context menu items for it (as they're unneeded). If it didn't ask, there was no resume point.

Note that a resume point is only saved if you stop the video after the first 2 minutes, or before the maximum of 2 minutes or 5% of the video length.

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