Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
MySQL database vanashes
I'm running MySQL (MariaDB) on my Synology NAS, with a LibreELEC client. I was watching a movie and I stopped it, and on the main page that show media statistics everything was zero.  I thought I was having some sort of networking issue, cable or something.  So I  rebooted.  Kodi hung at the splash screen, so I did a power reset.  Same thing.  At this point I sshed into my kodi box and looked at .kodi/tmp/kodi.log and it was complaining it could not connect to MyVideos121.   So I logged into MySQL the MyVideo121 database was there, but the tables were gone.  Lucky I do a daily database backup dump.  After a quick restore everything was back to normal.  I looked at logs in .kodi/tmp but nothing was there from the time when the system lost the database.  I realize this not much to go on, but I wanted to post and see if anyone has insight as to what might have happened.

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