Does MKA playback work normally for anyone? I've got a Nvidia Shield Pro (2017) and after getting the newest Xonfluence, everything seems fine except a couple of drives asked for a password that never have before (all worked with previously supplied password one time for all, but I set to remember for this location and that seemed to solve that) and MKA playback is wonky.
Basically, when I click on a MKA file, the last audio track shows first, but with the total play time instead of its track length and clicking on it doesn't work/play. All the other tracks (starting with track 01) work as normal. It worked fine on both Matrix and Nexus.
Screenshot of what I'm seeing:
I have run tests with PAPlayer as default (next to last track exits playing after finishing and last track never plays. Gaps are short, but playback is not gapless) and using VideoPlayer (next to last track will continue playing through the last track to the actual album end, but you can't start with that track. Playback is gapless, but counter shows progress in disc, not track).
I've also found the total shown in the right bar for the last track (sorry not shown; I forgot to click on it) shows a duration that makes no sense. In the to be the case of Dark Side of the Moon, for example, it shows 33:29 instead of the track length for track 10 - Eclipse. But 33:29 is about 7 seconds after the start of track 08, Any Colour You Like, not the album total or even the point up until that track starts (end of track 09 Brain Damage).
THEATER: 11.1.10 Atmos, Epson 3100 3D Projector, DaLite 92" screen, Mixed Dialog Lift - PSB Speakers; Sources: PS4, LG UP875 UHD, Nvidia Shield (KODI), ATV4K, Zidoo X9S (ZDMC), LD, GameCube