Solved create favorites
bonjour, comment créer un dossier favoris dans la barre de menu
merci d'avance et excusez mon manque d'anglais

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hello, how to create a favorites folder in the menu bar 
thanks in advance and excuse my lack of English
Here is a video on exactly how to do it:

Let me know how you make out.

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: Replacing Embruary >> TMDB Helper || Start: 6/3/2024 End: God knows || Status Complete: Movies: 80% TV Shows: 40% Music: 20%
thank you for the explanation I succeeded
Glad it worked, enjoy.

Kodi: Nexus v20.5 | Skin Dev: Madnox Omega/Nexus: v20.01.02 | Madnox ForumRoot | Madnox Repov1.0.09 | Mr. V'sSource | Kodi Texture Tool (Takeover): v3.0.1 | Batch Texture Resize (Irfanview): Tutorial
Working On
: Replacing Embruary >> TMDB Helper || Start: 6/3/2024 End: God knows || Status Complete: Movies: 80% TV Shows: 40% Music: 20%

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