🆗 long press over CEC?
Normally when using a remote control of a Kodi device, you press and hold the 🆗 key to get the context menu. Unfortunately, when the Kodi device (let's say an external box, running Android or CoreELEC) is being controlled via CEC from a different device remote control (let's say the television), the long 🆗 press will turn into a series of repeated presses, which of course will wreak havoc with your UI.

Is there some kind of a solution to get the long-press functionality also work remote controllers connected via CEC, it's a bit silly to have to use a specific remote control just for this device when another one also nearly works?
Have a read here:

Should be what you're after.
(2024-06-06, 12:23)GavLovesGuinness Wrote: Have a read here:

Should be what you're after.
Technically, yes it likely is. In practice, finding the information about long presses is a bit hard since it starts with "in the beginning, the Earth was a molten mass…" and I really am not interested in becoming a full-time Kodi developer.
I'm a bit surprised nobody who understands the issues hasn't added a quick "TLDR; this is how you make that single thing you want to work" section into it.
(2024-11-30, 22:45)ExTechOp Wrote: I'm a bit surprised nobody who understands the issues hasn't added a quick "TLDR; this is how you make that single thing you want to work" section into it.

TLDR; the CEC long press comes down to the delay threshold kodi has vs what the cec device sends

kodi's threshold for a long press 750ms
samsung tv sends a maximum long press of 500ms

(ms numbers are for example, i don't recall the real world numbers)

kodi doesn't see it as a long press and turns it into a bunch of presses


i've brought this up before and IIRC i put a feature request in for it to be user configurable, nothing ever came of it
Zidoo allows the configuration of this setting

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🆗 long press over CEC?0