Normally when using a remote control of a Kodi device, you press and hold the 🆗 key to get the context menu. Unfortunately, when the Kodi device (let's say an external box, running Android or CoreELEC) is being controlled via CEC from a different device remote control (let's say the television), the long 🆗 press will turn into a series of repeated presses, which of course will wreak havoc with your UI.
Is there some kind of a solution to get the long-press functionality also work remote controllers connected via CEC, it's a bit silly to have to use a specific remote control just for this device when another one also nearly works?
Is there some kind of a solution to get the long-press functionality also work remote controllers connected via CEC, it's a bit silly to have to use a specific remote control just for this device when another one also nearly works?