Run Automated scan problem
I don't know what changed, but suddenly in "Set content" screen I set it to "Run Automated scan" but it won't stick.
It just won't stay on after exiting the Set Content screen.
i bellive this is correct behavior.
The automated scan is only for the first time you add a source.

If you want to update your library on a regular basis you could set the option to update library on startup of xbmc.

But someone please correct me if im wrong.
Yes, that is the correct description. "Automatic scan" means scan automatically with the addition of this source.
this setting could actually be named better i bellive. to clarify user confusment.
Like: "Run a one time automated scan" or something along those lines ?
Not in a language freeze it can't Wink
Oh. theres a language freeze Wink

Anyhow if wanted i could create a ticket for this.
No one is stopping you. I'm sure I and the rest of the dev team will completely forget about it if you don't.

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