v21 Low quality in movie and series posters
Hello, when I scan for the first time or try to change the poster in movies with The Movie Database Python and series with TMDB TV Shows, at first I get the posters in good quality but when I exit the menu it makes a small flicker and change to low quality. Does anyone know what could be the reason?
Kodi in deference to low powered systems engages a space saving technique to reduce the size of images in the background.

FTW: If you prefer not to manually source and save artwork to your local media folders, then scraped artwork can be
automatically downloaded and saved into your local folders by installing one of the following add-ons: Artwork (wiki)

Artwork Dump- for v19 and later
Artwork Beef- for v18 and earlier

FTW: Images are limited to a maximum pixel dimension to fit in a 16:9 box, with a default configuration of 1920x1080 for images that are 16:9 (like fanart) and larger than this, and 1280x720 for all other images. This can be changed with advancedsettings.xml. Artwork/Cache (wiki)
The default of 1080p for the cache is only for fanart, for posters it's lower at 720p.
Hello, for those who may be interested in having good quality movie posters.

1. Create a text file with the name advancedsettings in the location C:\Users\***\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata

2. Copy and paste:


3. Change text file extension to .xml

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Low quality in movie and series posters0