Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
v21 High bitrate video over NFS stops playing.
When playing high bitrate videos I noticed stop playing always at exact same time. When I investigated further I noticed the memory gets filled up, which then throws an underflow: Error reading file - assuming eof. So essentially I'm only able to play 4GBs of video on RPI4 4GB. I assumed that the issue was buffering, but I tried disabling it in settings and still encounter this issue. I haven't noticed this before, but can't remember if I tried playing a large video file. I'm using Arch Linux ARM and bought a new TV at about the same time as the distro updated to v21 so I can't test if this is present on previous version.

I did try using LibreELEC with kodi v20, which seems to not suffer from this issue.
Maybe post this on the LibreElec forum.

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High bitrate video over NFS stops playing.0