Solved What's with the 'More...' folder showing up in music playlists?

Any ideas on how to get rid of this? It affects all skins running on omega.
It actually affects not only music, but all other categories as well.
It's added at some point and is just a shortcut to the full contextual content. No idea how to remove it (decided to accept it instead).
Some skins let you set the number of shown items. I tend to set it to a higher number if available, so it's off-screen without scrolling at least.
I'm not seeing it on any of my other media shelves. This is not cool. No
I first noticed it with the home screen widgets.
Well, that's how it goes sometimes. It's difficult to please all users all the time. I am sure it's customizable though. If it really bothers you you could figure out how to.
What's wrong with this? If the user has more playlists than shown by the widget (and only in this case there is the "more..." item), they can use "more..." to get quick access to the full list of playlists.
In that respect, nothing.
I am just a bit sensitive to seeing a grey folder appear, can imagine others might as well.
First thoughts were, not really a big deal, and it adds functionaily that I might even learn to appreciate Wink
(2024-05-27, 17:14)ksooo Wrote: What's wrong with this? If the user has more playlists than shown by the widget (and only in this case there is the "more..." item), they can use "more..." to get quick access to the full list of playlists.

I misspoke. I'm using a content tag to populate my music shelf.

<content target="music" limit="10">musicdb://recentlyaddedalbums/</content>

I ask for 10 RA albums and get 10 plus an unwanted shortcut.
This can be customized.
Only fair to note that I only now notice your skinning experience status. I removed part of my earlier post, because that comes off totally wrong now that i noticed.
(2024-05-27, 17:37)ksooo Wrote: This can be customized.

Thank you sir! Really do appreciate your thoughtful response. Henceforth, I will pay attention to the whole of the changes thread rather than just the summary.

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What's with the 'More...' folder showing up in music playlists?0