All game addons fail for x86 OSX
I'm probably one of the few that still have a trusty ol' x86 Mac, but with Omega v21, all addons now spit out an error when attempting to run a game. Example:

AddOnLog: game.libretro.nx: Unable to load: dlopen(.../game.libretro.nx/game.libretro.nx.dylib, 0x0001): tried: '.../game.libretro.nx/game.libretro.nx.dylib' (mach-o file, but is an incompat
error <general>: AddOnLog: game.libretro.nx: Failed to load .../game.libretro.nx/game.libretro.nx.dylib
error <general>: ADDON: Dll Cave Story (NXEngine) - Client returned bad status (5) from Create and is not usable
I get a common 'mach-o' error for every addon I try.
The error suggests it's the wrong architecture. Perhaps x86 is incorrectly linking to the arm64 version of OSX? Anyone else have this issue?
(2024-05-28, 22:20)zachmorris Wrote: I'm probably one of the few that still have a trusty ol' x86 Mac, but with Omega v21, all addons now spit out an error when attempting to run a game. Example:

AddOnLog: game.libretro.nx: Unable to load: dlopen(.../game.libretro.nx/game.libretro.nx.dylib, 0x0001): tried: '.../game.libretro.nx/game.libretro.nx.dylib' (mach-o file, but is an incompat
error <general>: AddOnLog: game.libretro.nx: Failed to load .../game.libretro.nx/game.libretro.nx.dylib
error <general>: ADDON: Dll Cave Story (NXEngine) - Client returned bad status (5) from Create and is not usable
I get a common 'mach-o' error for every addon I try.
The error suggests it's the wrong architecture. Perhaps x86 is incorrectly linking to the arm64 version of OSX? Anyone else have this issue?

Well that's not good. Likely related to . I'll try to get this fixed on my own Ol' Faithful, then rebuild all cores.
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Donations: eigendude.eth
Given that the build command worked before, I've adjusted the macos arm patch to use the same build command as before:

The new nx core (version will be on the mirrors later tonight, can you give that version a try?
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
Thanks for the quick reply!
Tried nx version and unfortunately still get the same error:

RetroPlayer[PROCESS]: Created process info for macOS

error <general>: AddOnLog: game.libretro.nx: Unable to load: dlopen(../Library/Application Support/Kodi/addons/game.libretro.nx/game.libretro.nx.dylib, 0x0001): tried: '../Library/Application Support/Kodi/addons/game.libretro.nx/game.libretro.nx.dylib' (mach-o file, but is an incompat

error <general>: AddOnLog: game.libretro.nx: Failed to load ../Library/Application Support/Kodi/addons/game.libretro.nx/game.libretro.nx.dylib
Did you fix the problem? I have a very similar problem
I'm setting up Ol' Faithful with Kodi now to debug an issue in a Player Manager dependency. Assuming I can get Kodi building again I'll get cores working again.
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
K, progress report. I got Kodi building again on my late-2013 intel macbook before leaving on Vacation to hawaii. I took my arm macbook with me, so I'll resume working on this when I get home in 10 days or so.
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
I fixed the problem with help from @Fuzzard:

Updates cores should be on the mirrors in 24hrs.
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Donations: eigendude.eth

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All game addons fail for x86 OSX0