Information Info label for total albums by artist
I was surfing through the info labels last night and was surprised to see that no ListItem labels seem to exist for the total amount of albums by artist. Is that correct, or did I maybe miss it somewhere? I did check both Wiki and the Kodi documentation.
Working on the basis that there is no label currently, can anybody suggest any tricks or hacks that might enable me to show this info on a skin view? Any feedback would be much appreciated.
I think you should be able to create an off-screen container with dynamic content filtered as albums for artist and use Container(id).NumItems to get the number of albums for focused artist when viewing list of artists.

scott s.
Yup, think I understand the concept.
Will probably need some experimenting on my part though..... Wink
Ironically, the thought only occurred to me when I was surfing down my Music Vids list by artist and saw the number of appearances is given. 
Thanks for getting back to me.
If you go to the development/skinning forum you might get some more ideas as the more complex addon skins tend to use features like that (though also often use a skin "helper" service addon as that tends to perform better).

scott s.
Since your skin also uses the "" you have a list here.

Your desired function is also there.

Thanks guys.
I will give the SHS function a try and see how well it performs for what I'm wanting to do.
@Fuchs2468 I actually downloaded your repo and installed the copy of the SHS you have included, as it is likely to be far more up-to-date than the copy I have been using for a long time now. However, I'm seeing a couple of issues that are un-related to this subject, so will make a new post directly in the SHS thread to see if you might be experiencing the same things.
Thanks again

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Info label for total albums by artist0