Broken kodi v21- start PlutoTV stream crashes kodi, no log file and same with sly addon
running Win10 on desktop system, I start Pluto and click on movie, it exits to Win10.  I checked log file (no entry), ran maintenance+, and tried sly pluto addon, still the same issue.,  It is on my media play PCs.

On nb, it works fine.

It has been working for years with different versions and has happen the last 2 or 3 weeks.

Is there a fix for this?

Thanks in advance,
be safe,
It looks like this bug:
Looks like I have been getting the same thing in the past few weeks.  Kodi 21/Win 10 laptop

System has worked for years, no issues. Now you click on most shows and Kodi closes instantaneously to Windows
This seems to work for me

Same issue solved by updating to the latest version 14.40.33810.0 of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable
thanks to all.  I installed the last MS C++ runtime on the systems and it fixed the problem.  I guess Win11 had it installed. I use the old Win MCE with used Hauppauge USB tuners for local stations in Houston TX (32 English with Antenna in 3rd story attic) with MCE remote for both and the old Integration interface with MCE and Kodi for media files and Pluto with Win10/11 and HP min using 630 graphics using the same remote on TVs for most of my media watching except Prime and Peacock with the TV remotes.

Stay safe.
With Kodi 21 and 21.2, update C++ module, I get this will all my Pluto stations.  Other addons work fine and video file playback work fine.

Any fixes for this?

I get error message 'One or more items faile to play'.  I cleared cache and upgraded Kodi to 21.1.

With Kodi 21 and 21.2, I get this will all my Pluto channels.  Other addons work fine and video file playback work fine.  I get 'One or more item failed to play". This happens on 4 different Windows system. I did all the obvious items as clear cache, update Kodi, etc.

Any help would be great.
Thanks in advance,
Maybe it has something to do with this shutdown of Pluto m3u lists…

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kodi v21- start PlutoTV stream crashes kodi, no log file and same with sly addon0