Req Playlist Mixing Episodes and Movies - Manual Playlist Improvements
Hi All,

I know this issue is ripe as a quick Google search reflects a lot of frustration that it's not currently possible. I'm also sure there are numerous dead forum posts and reddit threads on the topic.  The ability to mix tv shows with movies in one playlist is incredibly difficult, and usually relies on manually creating playlists and saving those which comes with other issues (such as an issue where watched status is not visible in manual playlists or that views are incredibly limited).

A use case: Want to watch all Marvel (or Star Trek, or Star Wars, or Walking Dead) releases in chronological order and see them all in one functional playlist.....good luck. I've spent hours creating manual playlists for these items but they just don't behave the same way.

(1) Make manual playlists more robust and consistent with the overall UX experience - including most notably watch status and views - I think that the views are similar to what you can see in a file browse view instead of media view. Additionally, make the manual lists "smarter" as in, if an item path is changed, the playlist should update along with it.
(2) Make creating manual playlists themselves a lot more intuitive
(3) Add the ability to "play next unwatched" from a manual playlist
(4) If something is deleted, remove it from the playlist

These four things combined would make the use case resolved.

Obviously you all are amazing and I've been a fan for years. Don't misread my request as a demand, I know the nature of open source Wink
Mixing of Movie with TV in the library has been an age old request, and as of late mixing these in playlists is the almost #1 request. I'm sure you know the response and arguments. The best attempt was when you could list target movies with a TV show, causing some confusion and exacerbating the problem. Linking movies to TV shows (wiki)

Your request has been noted but suggest work-rounds are possible, investigate Video nodes (wiki)
(2024-07-07, 17:47)jrubenol Wrote: Ideally:
(1) Make manual playlists more robust and consistent with the overall UX experience - including most notably watch status and views - I think that the views are similar to what you can see in a file browse view instead of media view. Additionally, make the manual lists "smarter" as in, if an item path is changed, the playlist should update along with it.
(2) Make creating manual playlists themselves a lot more intuitive
(3) Add the ability to "play next unwatched" from a manual playlist
(4) If something is deleted, remove it from the playlist

As mentioned, while this capability isn't currently available with Kodi alone, if you ever move to a Kodi sharing solution in the future some of them can do all of this now and more.  Here's an example of a mixed playlist I created in less than a minute for MASH with the movie and TV episodes in a playlist which can handle path changes, episode/movie additions and deletions automatically.  It has the full play from here, play next, variable sorting and more. 

This particular playlist doesn't have the next unplayed item but could easily be added by adding a filter on the play count (i.e = 0).  I typically don't include the playcount filter in most playlists because it can cause episodes not to be displayed making the user wonder if they really exist or not.  The played indicator is typically sufficient for my purposes or using the Kodi side blade filter for unwatched... 

This is the beauty of the Kodi ecosystem.  There are things Kodi can do and things Kodi can do even more with addons and other parts of the ecosystem.  I am not suggesting to move to a sharing solution for this capability.  Just raising awareness that additional functionality does exist when Kodi is part of a system.


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , CBC Sports, Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
I actually do use SQL backend for sharing across devices. Which sharing solution are you suggesting? Wasn't clear from your post.
(2024-07-11, 05:24)jrubenol Wrote: I actually do use SQL backend for sharing across devices. Which sharing solution are you suggesting? Wasn't clear from your post.

I am running the Mezzmo sharing solution with the Mezzmo Kodi addon for Kodi clients.  The capability of the mixed playlists is a Mezzmo feature for any client Kodi, non-Kodi, web etc...  Since the SQL sharing leverages the same Kodi database schema (just sharing it across clients) it won't have the mixed sharing capabilities until they are native to Kodi.  The Mezzmo Kodi addon allows users to operate in native Kodi mode, Mezzmo browse mode or both.   The Mezzmo browse mode provides direct access to the Mezzmo advanced features but from within Kodi itself. 


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , CBC Sports, Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
On this note - is there a reason why manual playlists are so . . . difficult? For instance, why isn't "play status" seen in a manual play list? That alone would be a big improvement and it's unclear why it's not the case. Seems more like a bug than a feature request (on that specific issue). Should I report that separately with a clearer title and description?
(2024-07-09, 20:22)PatK Wrote: Mixing of Movie with TV in the library has been an age old request, and as of late mixing these in playlists is the almost #1 request. I'm sure you know the response and arguments. The best attempt was when you could list target movies with a TV show, causing some confusion and exacerbating the problem. Linking movies to TV shows (wiki)

On this note - is there a reason why manual playlists are so . . . difficult? For instance, why isn't "play status" seen in a manual play list? That alone would be a big improvement and it's unclear why it's not the case. Seems more like a bug than a feature request (on that specific issue). Should I report that separately with a clearer title and description?
(2024-07-11, 16:53)jrubenol Wrote: Should I report that separately with a clearer title and description?
Feel free to articulate this in a more descriptive and concise manner, I'm a bit fuzzy on this as well. Let's say I have 3 shorts of 3 seconds each... I queue them up, in the left slide menu I pick the parms (repeats etc), save off as a playlist, make the playlist a favourite (hitting that fav executes) anytime the left slide out will allow me to toggle the current playlist and edit/play etc. OK so there's a bit of effort on set-up.. is that what you're alluding to?

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Playlist Mixing Episodes and Movies - Manual Playlist Improvements0