Need help making a custom build
The new MAT Packer Rework is excellent and I've had zero audio issues since trying it. @jogal is a genius and he seems to have completely solved all audio dropouts!

However with this rework, maxpassthroughoffsyncduration was also limited to 80 instead of 100. Because of this I now see some video stutters in certain files with TrueHD, since 80 just doesn't seem high enough for my Shield. I know that @jogal and @fritsch say that there are issues when going higher than 80, but I still would like to try and see what happens.

I tried looking into how to make this one change and compile my own build, but it's extremely complicated for me. It would probably take me many hours and days, if I can even figure it out at all.

Would anyone be willing to make me a custom build of the latest nightly master (arm64-v8a), with the maxpassthroughoffsyncduration limit set back to 100? I'd be able to try different values like 90, 92, 96 etc... to see if anything works well for my Shield. My goal is to try and find a number that reduces or eliminates the stutters, but also doesn't introduce audio issues.
Here: ... sorry - did not have time earlier to help you shooting in your foot. Simply wait until the build is done. Max value is now 2000 - and it's big nonsense ... but yeah, have fun.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
Thank you, I really appreciate it!
I tried your link but I simply can't figure out how to download the build from that site. I must've spent 20 minutes so far trying to figure it out. Confused

EDIT: I'm guessing I missed it... I was away for a couple days so the build is probably deleted. Sad
Triggered another build:

Should appear here in awhile:
Got it, thank you!

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