Odroid n2+ with latest Kodi...i can not get movie License to Kill 1989 to scan in
Odroid n2+ with latest Kodi...i can not get movie License to Kill 1989 to scan in used the scraper and it does not show the Bond Movie 1989 even manual it doesnt show, no idea why the scraper wont find it now
(2024-07-12, 07:42)leo5111 Wrote: i can not get movie License to Kill 1989
Can you provide a Debug Log that captures the scraping.
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its been long time since i had to do debug log, how do i get the log?
click on the blue Debug Log words and read the instructions
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ok what do i do for the movie tell it to refresh from internet then when done go get the log?
(2024-08-18, 21:24)leo5111 Wrote: tell it to refresh from internet then when done go get the log?
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someone said i can make a nfo file with link to movie for kodi but i have been looking here https://kodi.wiki/view/NFO_files/Parsing  but ive never made a kodi nfo file so im lost ..... this is movie link https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/709-licence-to-kill
(2024-08-19, 19:27)leo5111 Wrote: someone said i can make a nfo file with link to movie for kodi but i have been looking here
It would be better of you provide the Debug Log that captures the scraping problem. Whatever the problem is, it most likely will also affect using the parsing nfo file.

But if you still want to try the parsing nfo file, provide a screenshot of your folder containing the movie, so I can see how you have named the files.
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https://ibb.co/x5RgKxd    shows outside and inside pic movie is License to Kill   its  1989 movie james bond
(2024-08-19, 23:04)leo5111 Wrote: shows outside and inside pic movie is License to Kill   its  1989 movie james bond
Create a text file in that folder and name it License to Kill.nfo
Paste the URL to the movie in the file.
Then run an Update Library to scrape it.
If it does not work, I will need the Debug Log.
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that did it thanks now i know, how to do it in future

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Odroid n2+ with latest Kodi...i can not get movie License to Kill 1989 to scan in0