WIP Transparency! for Omega+ w/Skin Shortcuts Integration
(2024-08-07, 04:35)kurai Wrote: Thinking of your MCU example I can see how this might be quite an attractive feature for people with huge movie libraries,
I have a Universes section. I have pointed the Universes Background Images item to my folder "Fanart-Universes" that contains fanart for Universes and the menu items inherit it. I am happy with that.

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Thanks for the reply mike; your edited example looks and pops way nicer than the original one does.
Hopefully the change is available for us all ;-)
And yeah, the wife is always right.
3 * Nvidia Shield + Synology NAS DS218+ 2 * LG 77" + Genelec + WiiM Pro Plus & Mini + Adam T5V + T7V + T10S - ArcoLinux
Hi @mikeSiLVO

Found one little thing ... which, strictly speaking, isn't your problem.  Tongue

The addon script.audio.profiles includes XML for skin-specific look and feel, and it builds it's window using skin's own resources via getSkinDir()
It references ./media/black.png via <texture>black.png</texture> 
The refactor for skin_shortcuts & flags_rework branches moved this to ./media/colors/  (GitHub: Start major refactor - 9e7118f - Jul 21
This gives rise to :-


The trivial local fix of copying the 4x4 pixel png back to ./media/ works for now but going forward, what's the best long term remedy ?
  1. Easy: Duplicate the black.png file in ./media & ./media/colors/ in the skin repo.
  2. Less Easy: I can ask @pkscout to update the path used in script.audio.profiles (and/or make a specific XML for skin.transparency.ssedition). If he agrees, and depending on how he implements it, may also need the ./media/color/ change upstreamed to the Master branch of Transparency.
(2024-08-07, 17:07)Raitsa Wrote: Thanks for the reply mike; your edited example looks and pops way nicer than the original one does.
Hopefully the change is available for us all ;-)
And yeah, the wife is always right.
Erm ... that wasn't the Transparency maintainer @mikeSilvo   I'm just a fellow skin user, so the comment with the screenshot of updated icon wasn't "official", so to speak.  Wink

In other words ... I don't expect these changes to be included in the proper downloadable skin archive - it's a change you will have to make yourself in your local install of Kodi.

To make it easy I've bundled up all the changed icons in a zip file.  Download that and simply copy the contents into the skin's /media directory, saying OK when asked to overwrite files.
(I've included the original default icons, renamed to *.original.png, so you can easily revert if you end up not liking the new ones or accidentally break something)

Image Google Drive share: media_OSD-icons.zip (49K)
I just added the xml to the skin.


That should fix it.
(2024-08-08, 12:15)mikeSiLVO Wrote: That should fix it.

Yep - that way works too  Tongue
The skin specific XMLs in the plugin GitHub haven't been touched in 4 years, so there shouldn't be much chance of code divergence.

Guys, is this version on the Kodi repo now?

I am using the latest 0.0.7 version, manually installed. 
I dont think there have been updates since that one was released.
3 * Nvidia Shield + Synology NAS DS218+ 2 * LG 77" + Genelec + WiiM Pro Plus & Mini + Adam T5V + T7V + T10S - ArcoLinux
No - the deep-level rework, "Transparency! (SS Edition)" by @mikeSiLVO is still at 0.0.7 and available only from GitHub.  I suspect Mike hasn't put it forward to the official Kodi repo yet because he still wants to finish off the final touches on the Media Flags.

The ones that got returned to `active status` in the Kodi addon repos are the `default\basic` "Transparency!" - i.e. @Ronie's original skin + some updates to bring it up to full modern functionality.
12.0.0 for Kodi v20 Nexus and 13.0.0 for Kodi v21 Omega.

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Transparency! for Omega+ w/Skin Shortcuts Integration0