Solved $LOCALIZE string search
Does anybody know if its possible to search for a $LOCALIZE string to establish what xml file(s) you originally used it on, other than doing a manual search on every individual xml file?  Hope this question makes reasonable sense...
Open all XML's in your choice of editor and do a search.
Yup, got it.
Just to be a bit clearer for anybody else facing the same problem, once you've opened multiple xml files and you select search on the text editor (Notepad++ in my case), look for the dialog box that says 'Find all in all opened documents'

Thread marked as solved.
In VSCODE, if the skin is opened from its root, you can use the search icon on the left, type in the $localize value and it will return every location without any special search xyz button, it will just show all the xml files and then you can click into it and it will select right down to the line number for you to view it.
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(2024-08-09, 12:03)Dumyat Wrote: Yup, got it.
Just to be a bit clearer for anybody else facing the same problem, once you've opened multiple xml files and you select search on the text editor (Notepad++ in my case), look for the dialog box that says 'Find all in all opened documents'

Thread marked as solved.

No need to open multiple xml's or even have any xml's open.

For example in Notepad++ simply go to Find in Files


Set what you want to search for in Find what then select the skin xml directory and select Find All


Search results shows all files it appears and line it appears within


Double click the line shown in search result to open file with line selected e.g. Line 121
(2024-08-09, 16:08)jjd-uk Wrote:
(2024-08-09, 12:03)Dumyat Wrote: Yup, got it.
Just to be a bit clearer for anybody else facing the same problem, once you've opened multiple xml files and you select search on the text editor (Notepad++ in my case), look for the dialog box that says 'Find all in all opened documents'

Thread marked as solved.
No need to open multiple xml's or even have any xml's open.
For example in Notepad++ simply go to Find in Files
Perfect!....Even better way of doing it.
Video is an added extra as well..... Smile

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