Solved Kodi v21.1 crashes on start-up
On a Windows 10 PC, which has been running Kodi v21.0 with no issues, we upgraded to 21.1 and it crashed on start-up. Uninstalled Kodi, rebooted, and a clean install of 21.1 had the same result.
A copy of the resulting crash-dump is at
Thanks for any advice.
(2024-08-22, 04:50)ambledown Wrote: A copy of the resulting crash-dump is at
Thanks. I can see a few problems and they are all pointing to your hardware. This looks like quite an old pc.

1. Running on Windows Unknown version, kernel: Windows NT x86 64-bit version 6.2.9200.4780
Looks like you are running on Windows 8, which is not supported by Kodi anymore. Win10 is the minimum supported version.

2. GUI format 1680x1050, Display Generic Non-PnP Monitor #1: 1680x1050 @ 32.00Hz
Looks like you have a very old monitor with a single non-standard resolution? Desktop is running quite slow at 32Hz. Can you bump that up to 50 or 60Hz?

3. Seems to crash at initialising the audio component of Kodi. What audio driver are you using?
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1. Windows Version - My bad, the last attempt I had to get it to run was to use the "Compatibility Troubleshooter", and that suggested running in Windows 8 mode would solve my problem. It didn't, BUT I left the shortcut in that mode when I ran the dump. Sorry. It is running on Windows 10 PRO 22H2 Build 19045.4780

2. I connect to this PC via RDC (It is used for overnight database update to the NAS - nothing but a Network cable connected to this Kodi PC) and Kodi v21.0 worked perfectly in this config. However following up on your comment about Audio,  I had configured the "Remote Audio" to "play on this computer" in the connection. Changing that to "Play on remote computer" allowed Kodi to start-up and run.....

 Problem solved... I guess 21.1 is more critical on what Audio it finds?

Thanks Karellen
Great!! Glad you got it working. Smile
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Thread marked solved.
Windows 7 support was dropped but Windows 8.1 is still supported in Kodi 21.
The problem with RDC in 21.1 was identified and a fix was proposed.
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Thanks for the workaround! Same problem here in a Windows 10 Pro 22h2. Solved with RDP "no sound".
Can this issue be fixed? I use RDP to access Kodi often, and it's nice to be able to hear the sound locally.
(2024-08-22, 06:32)ambledown Wrote: 2. I connect to this PC via RDC (It is used for overnight database update to the NAS - nothing but a Network cable connected to this Kodi PC) and Kodi v21.0 worked perfectly in this config. However following up on your comment about Audio,  I had configured the "Remote Audio" to "play on this computer" in the connection. Changing that to "Play on remote computer" allowed Kodi to start-up and run.....

 Problem solved... I guess 21.1 is more critical on what Audio it finds?

Thanks Karellen
Just popping in to say I'm using Windows Remote Desktop and this was the exact fix I needed - thank you!

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Kodi v21.1 crashes on start-up0