showing Playlists as part of the Movie List
Context - Skin Confluence
Kodi Version - Latest
Top Folder structure of Films - 27 folders (#, A-Z)
Subfolder structure - Varied, as below - All films are in their individual subfolders
1) Single film in folder
2) Single Film in Folder + extras Folder
3)  Film Groups - Contains Mix of 1 & 2 above

So for instance all Alice in Wonderland will be physically located in
N:\01 - Film\A\Alice in Wonderland [Group]  with each individual film its own Subfolder  - Alice in Wonderland - (1933),  Alice in Wonderland - (1951), etc

I know I can create playlist and have done so for several sets - For instance Herzog and Herzog+Kinski are two such playlists
What I want to do is (in this case) to have the two playlists mentioned above appear as 2 items in the movie list under H - as follows
in my Movies list i currently have Heavy Weather followed by History Boys, The
What  i would like to see is
Heavy Weather
History Boys, The
Is this possible? and How?
Supplementary question possibly related
I read something about adding playlists to favourites - i have experimented, but don't even see favourites as a list anywhere?
(2024-08-23, 02:53)Lefrenchman36 Wrote: I read something about adding playlists to favourites - i have experimented, but don't even see favourites as a list anywhere?
On the home page, it is the Star icon bottom left corner of the screen.

Still thinking about the rest.
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If all the media in a group are part of a 'set' collection, and in settings you have the flag 'Show Media Sets', then in library view, the collection will be shown under the 'set' designation. You should be able to tease out the individual collections with a smart playlist using the path rule (or set rule) even if the 'Show Media Sets' flag is not set (understanding smart playlists & the sets flag don't play nice together). Or am I missing the idea totally?

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showing Playlists as part of the Movie List0