Install failed android omega
I tried both android downloads from

My tv is arm8 64bit in 32bit mode

When i try to install it says invalid structure

It does not show in offical kodi repository which is why i downloaded

Is there an offical repo to just install? I can seem to find one
You should just be able to install it from the UI, go to addons and install from repo.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
Thats the first thing i tried, its not there
(2024-08-27, 00:16)buccinator Wrote: Thats the first thing i tried, its not there

well.. it is now.. i swear it wasnt when i posted. doh.
I don't think you are crazy, I had something similar happen with pvr.iptvsimple recently on Windows and it wasn't in the list but it was in a search.  For me I had to manually install inputstream.adaptive first.


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Install failed android omega0