2024-10-08, 10:56
How can I get a video ID from netflix in Kodi?
If I save the movie in my favorite, in favorite.xml
I can see the ID number like here in the row below and looking at this number/ 81667280 With this number l will use script.py https://www.netflix.com/watch/81667280 which open my chrome and play movie. l see this like only solucion for now. But l cant extract number id for movie title. any help would be appreciated
<favourite name="30 Jours Max" thumb="https://occ-0-981-778.1.nflxso.net/dnm/api/v6/WNk1mr9x_Cd_2itp6pUM7-lXMJg/AAAABYhFxNKisT_FSppuj-cRTdYb2VhKVH-vDSw6Lw3_gi-lJpGhV1Wvf840mSDnICoVFTq0wUaZpd2yXed1-m6OEQz8RzWjpPXwP4W_.jpg?r=ac4">
PlayMedia("plugin://plugin.video.netflix/play/movie/81667280/ etc...
How can I get a video ID from netflix in Kodi?
If I save the movie in my favorite, in favorite.xml
I can see the ID number like here in the row below and looking at this number/ 81667280 With this number l will use script.py https://www.netflix.com/watch/81667280 which open my chrome and play movie. l see this like only solucion for now. But l cant extract number id for movie title. any help would be appreciated
<favourite name="30 Jours Max" thumb="https://occ-0-981-778.1.nflxso.net/dnm/api/v6/WNk1mr9x_Cd_2itp6pUM7-lXMJg/AAAABYhFxNKisT_FSppuj-cRTdYb2VhKVH-vDSw6Lw3_gi-lJpGhV1Wvf840mSDnICoVFTq0wUaZpd2yXed1-m6OEQz8RzWjpPXwP4W_.jpg?r=ac4">
PlayMedia("plugin://plugin.video.netflix/play/movie/81667280/ etc...