Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Linux Possible reason for Kodi flatpak crashes?
I saw these posts on Mastodon:

From @[email protected]:
Quote:Oooh, after #Signal failed to start, I may have finally figured out why sometimes #Matrix #Element starts with a blank screen. Turns out #flatpak starts all applications where what it pretends is `/tmp` is in fact `/run/user/NNN` - which is a ramdisk with a rather limited size, and it simply runs out of space.
#linux #debugging #bugs

To which @[email protected] replied:
Quote:I wonder if this is why #Kodi (media center software) crashes after it has been in use for a while (since it is now installed using flatpak)?

Kodi crashes on me two or three times a night, but never while I am actually watching something, it either happens right as a video finishes playing or while I am moving around in the UI.  Now that I read this, it also makes me suspicious that Kodi might be running out of space in same way.
Probably not. I'm not aware of Kodi writing anything to /tmp. If you really want to get to the core of the problem here is the necessary info:

Posting a debug log can also help if it's something simple.
I an a user, not a developer, and I don't do logs.  I'll just live with it.

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Possible reason for Kodi flatpak crashes?0