Github issues
When creating an issue on Github, the post is rejected if no debug log is provided.  This is an onerous and unnecessary burden on users reporting bugs.  Some bug reports are very simple, and in some cases a debug log is not applicable.  Generating a log is very difficult, 99% of users are not going to be willing to go through that convoluted process.  The requirement is unreasonable and no doubt causes many bugs to go unreported, to the detriment of Kodi.  If you need a debug log, you can ask for one at a later time.  Please consider removing this requirement.
Thats not going to happen.

A debug log provides immediate information for triage. Platform, version, os versions, etc. You might think you can provide all this info upfront, but i guarantee the bulk of people can not. Why would we just not ask for a debug log (of which we have a log uploader in the kodi repo for easy upload to our paste site) that skips all the back and forth requests for more info that would happen.

What you think is "immediately reproducible" is often proved a wildly inaccurate account of users rationale. We run across many platforms, and hardware varies WILDLY on all our platforms (except Apple, because apple things), that can, along with drivers, make your "easily reproducible" issue be something that only occurs on a handful of systems, or under VERY specific combinations.

Run the log uploader, move on. Or dont, and move on anyway.
(2024-10-28, 22:32)Fuzzard Wrote: What you think is "immediately reproducible" is often proved a wildly inaccurate account of users rationale. We run across many platforms, and hardware varies WILDLY on all our platforms (except Apple, because apple things), that can, along with drivers, make your "easily reproducible" issue be something that only occurs on a handful of systems, or under VERY specific combinations.

case and point
works fine for 3 people trying to duplicate, only broken for initial reporting user
That's an issue that will obviously benefit from a log.  Most issues are not like that.  Could just be a typo.  I would be super stoked if my users reported typos, but they never will if you put up huge barriers.
(2024-10-28, 22:32)Fuzzard Wrote: "You might think you can provide all this info upfront, but i guarantee the bulk of people can not."

"Run the log uploader, move on. Or dont, and move on anyway."

Yet you seem to think they can go through the huge PITA process of generating and uploading a log?

I can see by your attitude that you don't value user feedback.  That's a shame.  Kodi will suffer for it.
I don't see how uploading a debug log is any harder than reporting a bug on GitHub.
And you obviously dont value volunteers time.

if you cant be bothered, why should i?

Goes both ways regarding effort.
(2024-10-28, 22:53)Snuff Daddy Wrote: I can see by your attitude that you don't value user feedback.  That's a shame.  Kodi will suffer for it.

I'm just another user, but Kodi hasn't suffered in the 15+ years I've been using it. The new features added, and particularly the fixes made (look at Fritsch trying to work out audio drops on Shield) have been able to be accomplished more quickly because users have submitted debug logs. Fixing a problem often needs more than "the sound doesn't work on my system, you should hear it too", and the inevitable days of back-and-forth "what do you mean by sound doesn't work?" "it doesn't sound right" "does no sound come out?" "no sometimes there's sound" "what hardware are you using?" "my tv" etc etc.
Help them help you.
And as Fuzzard and Hitcher (2 people who go out of their way to help only for the benefit of others) have pointed out, if you can't be bothered to put in effort, why should anyone else?

EtA: Sorry, /rant. If this is outside community guidelines, please delete.
Snuff Daddy
You obviously never had to write, debug or take over source code or work on software development of any kind. 
Your statement reveals that much.

There is a saying in software: No log, no problem.
There are some open source/volunteer projects with rather relaxed bug/issue reporting schemes, but what I see is once projects reach a certain size, they have to implement bug-reporting rules or it simply gets out of hand and bugs don't get worked on.

scott s.

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