Is network interface taken into account when connecting to link-local IPv6 address?
From my understanding link-local IPv6 addresses can only be accessed if you specify which network interface you want to access them on, in order to resolve any ambiguities from possible identical addresses on separate network interfaces.

If Kodi resolves an mDNS address (e.g. `mbp.local`) into a link-local IPv6 address, does Kodi then note which network interface it used when it resolved this address, in order to properly use this address later?

I've tried accessing my Macbook Pro using `mbp.local`, and getting "No route to host" in the GUI, with log output like this:

2024-11-08 21:03:35.597 T:4857794   error <general>: SMBDirectory->GetDirectory: Unable to open directory : 'smb://fe80%3a%3ade%3af730%3a752c%3a7d10/my-share-name'

This ("fe80%3a%3ade%3af730%3a752c%3a7d10") is a link-local IPv6 address (to my Macbook Pro) that looks to have been converted into a hostname by escaping all colons, instead of being formatted as an URI with the IPv6 address in square brackets. Nevertheless, I assume it wouldn't complain about "no route" unless Kodi treated it correctly as an IP address in the end, so this log output tells me with fairly high confidence that Kodi is trying to access a link-local IPv6 address.

Since Kodi is trying to access a link-local IPv6 address, the question then becomes: does Kodi keep track of which network interface to use to access that address?

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Is network interface taken into account when connecting to link-local IPv6 address?0