Win dear TEAM KODI,when audio passthrough,playing blu-ray movie,vocal is too small
dear TEAM KODI,when audio passthrough,playing blu-ray movie,vocal [Dialogue]is too small compared to overwhelming background sound and music,how to make vocal louder
dear TEAM KODI,my platform is windows 11
There is nothing Kodi can do to fix that. Kodi is "passing through" the audio so it cannot manipulate it.
You would need to adjust that outside of Kodi. Are you using an AVR? You should be able to adjust the centre channel volume or there might be dialogue enhancement setting.
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Don't know much about sound handling, but could audio channel to speaker assignment get mixed up somehow (assuming the audio stream is multichannel)?

scott s.
Thank you,maybe KODI would add a dialogue enhancement in the future,because of its transcoding function.
If you disable passthrough you can adjust the Center Mix level.
Agree, passthrough provides no option for Kodi to adjust any levels.

scott s.

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dear TEAM KODI,when audio passthrough,playing blu-ray movie,vocal is too small0