v21 Advancedsettings.xml suddenly no longer recognized
I've been using kodi for a long time with Advancedsettings.xml in the /.kodi/userdata/ folder like below to exclude featurettes from the library for movies and tv. But today all of a sudden it is no longer recognized. All featurettes get scanned as movie and clutter up my database. I already rebooted kodi and the shield pro multiple times and replaced the Advancedsettings.xml a few times, but it just doesn't pick it up. What can i do so it is recognized and excludes the featurettes like it should?

Quote:<advancedsettings version="1.0">
<regexp>[-\._ ](extrafanart|sample|trailer|extrathumbs)[-\._ ]</regexp>
<excludefromscan action="append">
<regexp>[-._ \\/](extrafanart|sample|trailer|extrathumbs)[-._ \\/]</regexp>
<excludetvshowsfromscan action="append">
Can you provide a Debug Log so we can see what happens during startup which is when the as.xml file is loaded.
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Links to : Official:Forum rules (wiki) | Official:Forum rules/Banned add-ons (wiki) | Debug Log (wiki)
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Sorry of course. Here it is; https://paste.kodi.tv/ifigepimut

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Advancedsettings.xml suddenly no longer recognized0