movie playback stops after x mins
When I try and play a movie, after several mins the stream stops and it reverts to the previous menu. I ran this in debug have posted it at
I had the same problem. I fixed it by Mapping my video share in windows and then having xbmc use that mapped drive. I beleive that I was told that there was something screwed up with the SMB client in XBMC (at least in the windows version).
50 mins into the same film and all seems well! youre a star!

surprised if this is a problem with SMB that it is not a sticky!?
I had this problem also on anythign I played. I did the same thing ie mapped the source in Windows as a Network Drive, rather than use the SMB and now all works a treat.

Now I just got to work out how to use the Library properly!! Smile
Problem was also dealt with here:

Just an FYI and a reminder that searching can sometimes be your friend :-P

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movie playback stops after x mins0