HTPC: windows XBMC crashes on start up
I installed XBMC to my NES PC, and its not running at all. I have an 8600gt installed and as far as i know, it has the drivers installed properly. further more, It plays games like CoD 4 and C&C 3 flawlessly. am i missing some thing vital? is there a way to activate a safe mode function and tweak from there? and where is the log file that the sticky mentions?
Games mostly work with directx which XBMC isn't using. For the logfile position look here:
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I've got the same problem with my 8600 GT. The logfile shows:
14:09:31 T:4896 M:1437097984 INFO: GL_VENDOR = Microsoft Corporation
14:09:31 T:4896 M:1437097984 INFO: GL_RENDERER = GDI Generic
14:09:31 T:4896 M:1437097984 INFO: GL_VERSION = 1.1.0

Which by reading other topics here means that the drivers are not up to date. I just updated to driver version though and the problem remains. Since you've got the same card I'm starting to suspect that this is a card issue.. I've had problems in the past with some games that prompted me with dialogs saying the drivers were not up to date (although they were the latest) so I guess those games just used OpenGL and that they detected the generic Windows drivers.

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