Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Ability to play streaming video
I have been trying to figure out if its possible for XBMC to play live windows media streams. I have looked in the forums but couldn't find anything (maybe I am using the wrong term).

My main thing is for my father. He loves to watch Portuguese TV and RTP has multiple live streams. I can always sit him in front of my laptop, but that is just a pain for both of us. What I want to do is get it working on my XBMC running on my AppleTV. Is this possible?

Here is a sample URL:
rtp/http is not supported currently afaik
Sorry just to clarify, when I said RTP I wasn't talking about the RTP protocal. I was talking about the TV Channel called RTP (

Now it may actually be using the RTP protocol, that I don't know. I just want to make sure I am not confusing anyone with the duplicate abbreviations.

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Ability to play streaming video0