2004-08-25, 19:13
i use:
- xbmc 24-08-2004 + some new exports that i submit to sf.
- mplayer 24-08-2004
- sample files that i use >> sample files
something wrong with acm imports... don't work correctly... i update imports!!
- xbmc 24-08-2004 + some new exports that i submit to sf.
- mplayer 24-08-2004
- sample files that i use >> sample files
something wrong with acm imports... don't work correctly... i update imports!!
Quote:audiocodec wma9dmo - tested: working
info "windows media audio 9 dmo"
status working
format 0x162
format 0x163
driver dmo
dll "wma9dmod.dll"
guid 0x27ca0808, 0x01f5, 0x4e7a, 0x8b, 0x05, 0x87, 0xf8, 0x07, 0xa2, 0x33, 0xd1
Quote:audiocodec wmadmo - tested: working
info "windows media audio dmo"
status working
format 0x160
format 0x161
format 0x162
format 0x163
driver dmo
dll "wmadmod.dll"
guid 0x2eeb4adf, 0x4578, 0x4d10, 0xbc, 0xa7, 0xbb, 0x95, 0x5f, 0x56, 0x32, 0x0a
Quote:audiocodec wma9spdmo - tested: working
info "windows media audio 9 speech dmo"
comment "works only under windows"
status working
format 0xa
driver dmo
dll "wmspdmod.dll"
guid 0x874131cb, 0x4ecc, 0x443b, 0x89, 0x48, 0x74, 0x6b, 0x89, 0x59, 0x5d, 0x20
Quote:audiocodec wma9spdshow - tested: working
info "windows media audio 9 speech dshow"
status buggy
format 0xa
driver dshow
dll "wmavds32.ax"
guid 0x795b44c4, 0xf142, 0x493d, 0x8a, 0x02, 0x09, 0xbd, 0x41, 0x08, 0x95, 0xad
Quote:audiocodec qdmc - tested: working
info "quicktime qdmc/qdm2 audio decoders"
status working
format 0x324d4451 ; "qdm2"
format 0x434d4451 ; "qdmc"
driver qtaudio
dll "quicktime.qts"
Quote:audiocodec qclp - tested: working
info "quicktime qclp audio decoder"
status working
format 0x706c6351 ; "qclp"
driver qtaudio
dll "quicktime.qts"
Quote:audiocodec qtmace3 - tested: working
info "quicktime mace3 audio decoder"
status working
format 0x3343414d ; "mac3"
driver qtaudio
dll "quicktime.qts"
Quote:audiocodec qtmace6 - tested: working
info "quicktime mace6 audio decoder"
status working
format 0x3643414d ; "mac6"
driver qtaudio
dll "quicktime.qts"
Quote:audiocodec ra144win - tested: working
info "win32 realaudio 1.0"
status working
format 0x345f3431 ; "14_4"
driver realaud
dll "14_43260.dll"
Quote:audiocodec ra288win - tested: working
info "win32 realaudio 2.0"
status working
format 0x385f3832 ; "28_8"
driver realaud
dll "28_83260.dll"
Quote:audiocodec mpra1428 - tested: working
info "realaudio 1.0 and 2.0 native decoder"
status working
format 0x345f3431 ; "14_4"
format 0x385f3832 ; "28_8"
driver ra1428
Quote:audiocodec racookwin - tested: working
info "win32 realaudio cook"
status working
format 0x6b6f6f63 ; "cook"
driver realaud
dll "cook3260.dll"
Quote:audiocodec rasiprwin - tested: working
info "win32 realaudio sipro"
status working
format 0x72706973 ; "sipr"
driver realaud
dll "sipr3260.dll"
Quote:audiocodec raatrcwin - tested: working
info "win32 realaudio atrac3"
status working
format 0x63727461 ; "atrc"
driver realaud
dll "atrc3260.dll"
Quote:audiocodec imaadpcm - tested: working
info "ima adpcm"
status working
format 0x11
format 0x34616d69 ; "ima4" (mov files)
format 0x1100736d ; "ms\x00\x11" (mov files)
driver imaadpcm
Quote:audiocodec msadpcm - tested: working
info "ms adpcm"
status working
format 0x2
format 0x0200736d ; "ms\x00\x02" (mov files)
driver msadpcm
Quote:audiocodec dk4adpcm - tested: working
info "duck dk4 adpcm (rogue format number)"
status working
format 0x61 ; this format number was used by duck corp. but not officially
; registered with microsoft
driver imaadpcm
Quote:audiocodec dk3adpcm - tested: working
info "duck dk3 adpcm (rogue format number)"
status working
format 0x62 ; this format number was used by duck corp. but not officially
; registered with microsoft
driver dk3adpcm
Quote:audiocodec ffroqaudio - not tested (need file) (sure working is a ff)
info "id roq file audio decoder"
status working
fourcc roqa ; roqa is an internal mplayer fourcc
driver ffmpeg
dll "roq_dpcm"
Quote:audiocodec ffdv - not tested (need file) (sure working is a ff)
info "ffmpeg dv audio decoder"
status working
fourcc radv
driver ffmpeg
dll "dvaudio"
Quote:audiocodec faad - tested: working
info "faad aac (mpeg2/mpeg4 audio) decoder"
status working
fourcc mp4a,mp4a
fourcc "aac " ; used in nsv
format 0xff
driver faad
dll libfaad2
Quote:audiocodec ffflac - tested: working
info "ffmpeg flac audio decoder"
status working
format 0x43614c66
driver ffmpeg
dll "flac"
Quote:audiocodec pcm - tested: working
info "uncompressed pcm"
status working
format 0x0
format 0x1
format 0x20776172 ; "raw " (mov files)
format 0x736f7774 ; "twos" (mov files)
format 0x74776f73 ; "sowt" (mov files)
;;;; these are for hardware support only: (alaw,ulaw,ima-adpcm,mpeg,ac3)
; format 0x6
; format 0x7
; format 0x11
; format 0x50
; format 0x2000
driver pcm
Quote:audiocodec divx - not tested (need file)
info "divx audio (wma)"
status working
format 0x160
format 0x161
driver acm
dll "divxa32.acm"
Quote:audiocodec msadpcmacm - not tested (need file)
info "ms adpcm"
status working
format 0x2
driver acm
dll "msadp32.acm"
Quote:audiocodec mp3 - tested: working
info "mp3lib mpeg layer-2, layer-3"
status working
comment "optimized to mmx/sse/3dnow!"
format 0x50 ; layer-1 && layer-2
format 0x55 ; layer-3
format 0x33706d2e ; ".mp3" cbr/vbr mp3 (mov files)
format 0x5500736d ; "ms\0\x55" older mp3 fcc (mov files)
format 0x2033504d ; "mp3 " (used in .nsv files)
driver mp3lib
Quote:audiocodec ffwmav1 - tested: working
info "divx audio v1 (ffmpeg)"
status untested
format 0x160
driver ffmpeg
dll "wmav1"
Quote:audiocodec ffwmav2 - tested: working
info "divx audio v2 (ffmpeg)"
status untested
format 0x161
driver ffmpeg
dll "wmav2"
Quote:audiocodec ffmac3 - not tested (need file) (sure working is a ff)
info "macintosh audio compression and expansion 3:1"
status untested
fourcc "mac3"
driver ffmpeg
dll "mace3"
Quote:audiocodec ffmac6 - not tested (need file) (sure working is a ff)
info "macintosh audio compression and expansion 6:1"
status untested
fourcc "mac6"
driver ffmpeg
dll "mace6"
Quote:audiocodec ffra144 - not tested (use mpra1428)
info "ffmpeg realaudio 1.0"
status untested
format 0x345f3431 ; "14_4"
driver ffmpeg
dll "real_144"
Quote:audiocodec ffra288 - not tested (use mpra1428)
info "ffmpeg realaudio 2.0"
status crashing
format 0x385f3832 ; "28_8"
driver ffmpeg
dll "real_288"
Quote:audiocodec ffsonic - tested: working
info "ffmpeg sonic"
status untested
fourcc sonc
format 0x2048
driver ffmpeg
dll "sonic"
Quote:audiocodec ffmp3 - tested: working
info "ffmpeg mpeg layer-3 audio decoder"
comment "integer only"
status working
format 0x55
format 0x33706d2e ; ".mp3" cbr/vbr mp3 (mov files)
format 0x5500736d ; "ms\0\x55" older mp3 fcc (mov files)
driver ffmpeg
dll "mp3"
Quote:audiocodec ffmp2 - tested: working
info "ffmpeg mpeg layer-1 and layer-2 audio decoder"
comment "integer only"
status working
format 0x50
driver ffmpeg
dll "mp2"
Quote:audiocodec mad - not tested (need file)
info "libmad mpeg layer 1-2-3"
status working
format 0x50
format 0x55
format 0x33706d2e ; ".mp3" cbr/vbr mp3 (mov files)
format 0x5500736d ; "ms\0\x55" older mp3 fcc (mov files)
driver libmad
dll "libmad"
Quote:audiocodec mp3acm - not tested (mp3lib)
info "mpeg layer-3"
status working
comment "conflicts with security kernel patches"
format 0x55
driver acm
dll "l3codeca.acm"
Quote:audiocodec imaadpcmacm - not tested (use imaadpcm)
info "ima adpcm"
status working
format 0x11
driver acm
dll "imaadp32.acm"
Quote:audiocodec msgsmacm - tested: not working
info "ms gsm"
status working
format 0x31
; format 0x32
driver acm
dll "msgsm32.acm"
Quote:audiocodec msnaudio - tested: not working
info "msn audio"
status working
; format 0x31
format 0x32
driver acm
dll "msnaudio.acm"
Quote:audiocodec msgsm - tested: working
info "ms gsm"
status working
format 0x31
format 0x32
fourcc agsm
driver msgsm
Quote:audiocodec alaw - tested: working
info "alaw"
status working
format 0x6
format 0x77616c61 ; 'alaw', .mov files
driver alaw
Quote:audiocodec ulaw - tested: working
info "ulaw"
status working
format 0x7
format 0x77616c75 ; "ulaw" (mov files)
driver alaw
Quote:audiocodec dvdpcm - not tested (need file)
info "uncompressed dvd/vob lpcm"
status working
format 0x10001
driver dvdpcm
Quote:audiocodec a52 - tested: working
info "ac3-liba52"
status working
format 0x2000
fourcc dnet
driver liba52
dll "liba52"
Quote:audiocodec ac3 - not tested (use a52)
info "ac3-libac3"
comment "removed from mplayer, use liba52"
status working
format 0x2000
fourcc dnet
driver libac3
dll "libac3"
Quote:audiocodec ffdts - tested: working
info "dts"
status working
format 0x2001
driver ffmpeg
dll "dts"
Quote:audiocodec voxware - tested: not working. fail export
info "voxware"
status working
format 0x75
driver dshow
dll "voxmsdec.ax"
guid 0x73f7a062, 0x8829, 0x11d1, 0xb5, 0x50, 0x00, 0x60, 0x97, 0x24, 0x2d, 0x8d
Quote:audiocodec acelp - tested: not working. fail export
info "acelp.net sipro lab audio decoder"
status working
format 0x130
driver dshow
dll "acelpdec.ax"
guid 0x4009f700, 0xaeba, 0x11d1, 0x83, 0x44, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xb9, 0x2e, 0xb7
Quote:audiocodec imc - not tested (need file)
info "intel music coder"
status working
comment "driver at [url=http://codeczone.virtualave.net/fximcaud.zip"]http://codeczone.virtualave.net/fximcaud.zip"[/url]
format 0x401
driver acm
dll "imc32.acm"
Quote:audiocodec iac25 - not tested (need file)
info "indeo audio"
status working
format 0x402
driver acm
dll "iac25_32.ax"
Quote:audiocodec hwac3 - tested: working
info "ac3 through spdif"
status working
format 0x2000
fourcc dnet
driver hwac3
Quote:audiocodec hwdts - tested: working
info "dts through spdif"
status working
format 0x2001
fourcc dnet
driver hwac3
Quote:audiocodec vorbis - tested: working
info "oggvorbis audio decoder"
status working
comment "oggvorbis driver using libvorbis"
format 0xfffe
driver libvorbis
dll "libvorbis"
Quote:audiocodec vivoaudio - tested: not working. fail export
info "vivo g.723/siren audio codec"
status working
format 0x111 ; vivo g.723
format 0x112 ; siren
driver acm
dll "vivog723.acm"
Quote:audiocodec g72x - not tested (need file)
info "g.711/g.721/g.723"
status crashing
comment "does not work yet - just noise "
format 0x111 ; vivo g.723
format 0x112 ; vivo siren
driver g72x
dll "g72x.c"
Quote:audiocodec ffg726 - not tested (need file) (sure working is a ff)
info "sharp g.726 audio"
status working
format 0x45
driver ffmpeg
dll "g726"
Quote:audiocodec g726 - not tested (need file)
info "sharp g.726 audio"
status untested
format 0x45
driver acm
dll "scg726.acm"
Quote:audiocodec atrac3 - tested: not working. fail export
info "sony atrac3"
status buggy
comment "format not accepted"
format 0x270
driver acm
dll "atrac3.acm"
Quote:audiocodec alf2 - not tested (need file)
info "alf2"
status working
format 0x1fc4 ; alf2
driver acm
dll "alf2cd.acm"
Quote:audiocodec truespeech - tested: not working. fail export
info "dsp group truespeech"
status working
format 0x22
driver acm
dll "tssoft32.acm" ; need also tsd32.dll
Quote:audiocodec voxwarert24 - not tested (need file)
info "voxware rt24 speech codec"
status working
format 0x181c
driver acm
dll "nsrt2432.acm"
Quote:audiocodec lhacm - not tested (need file)
info "lernout & hauspie celp and sbc codecs"
status working
format 0x1101 ; celp
format 0x1102 ; sbc
format 0x1103 ; sbc
format 0x1104 ; sbc
driver acm
dll "lhacm.acm"