Playing music from playlist while viewing files
i am having trouble using playlists and i am thinking that perhaps i am using the wrong buttons. here is the scenario:

- i queue up some songs into the current playlist using y.
- the first song in the playlist begins to play
- if i change directories by either hitting a on a directory, or hitting b to go up a directory... the current song will stop playing and then it will be restarted from the begining.

the same thing will happen if i am playing a song, hit x to go to visualzation, then hit x again to go back to the music list... the current song will stop playing and it will be restarted from the begining.

am i just using the wrong buttons to get around? or is this a legitimate bug? i am using the 11/26 build.
are you using smb/relax/ccxstream??

XBMC Project Founder (Retired), now head programmer of MediaPortal
i am using smb. i will try playing the files localy and ccxstream and see if the problem continues.
i verified it works correctly with local files... however with smb it restarts the current song as explained in the original post. i have not been able to verified with ccxstream due to me being to lazy to find what the <path>...</path> should be for that protocol. once i find it i will report back.
i am using smb and the latest build, 12-03-03 and i'm having the same problem described above.

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Playing music from playlist while viewing files0