Posts: 8
Joined: Sep 2007
Hands down Sickbeard is the best, been using it for about a month and even in the alpha stages it is very complete and handles downloading, sorting, and notifying effortlessly.
Posts: 90
Joined: Feb 2009
Anyone know of a renamer that will lookup and match the episode based on partial matching? I downloaded a bunch of episodes of one show, and they came all in one folder with no episode information. The format is just:
Show Name - Episode Title - [release group].avi
I'd like a tool that will take these files, match the Episode Title, look up what SxxExx it is and rename them..if one is made. I know there are MP3 renamers out there that do this - haven't run across one for TV shows yet.
Posts: 76
Joined: Nov 2009
I'm going to hijack this topic and ask if there's any software which does the same as EMM does, but for TV shows? EMM does an amazing job of finding everything one could wish for for my movies. Would be sweet having the same for TV shows so reimporting wouldn't take as long!