FAO Acer Aspire Revo owners on Live/Linux
Please could you tell me if you get any frame drop when playing back the "Killa Sample" with VDPAU. Ebuyer have these on special for £230 and I'm very tempted....
Most played tunes last week:
XBMC + lastfm = goodness :D
Hardy a quantitative test, but no - there's no framedrop playing back killa
It's somwhat more quantative than "Does it playback 1080P alright?" since we know the details of Killa and I know the levels of performance I'm getting from the 3 other systems I tested with Killa last night. I'm not after terribly accurate performance benchmarks, just a real world test of its abilities to play back the stress test.

Anyway, ta very much for the confirmation Big Grin
Most played tunes last week:
XBMC + lastfm = goodness :D

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