hey duds ;-)

i need some kind of help Image

i have chance my system from xbmp to xbmc and use relaxe 0.75 -stabil release-.
know my problem:

i couldn't share my mp3-folder with a lot of subfolders under xbmc (2003-12-11)... ;-(
i have no problems in the xbmp + relaxe kombination ...;-)

here the importent part of my config.xml:

---------- snip ---------------

<name>network (xns)</name>

----------- snip -----------------

and the same for the xboxmediacenter.xml file:

----------- snip ------------------


--------- snip --------------------

if i need the same as in the config.xml (xbmp) than i saw only the icon of a cd-rom and after that nothing.
but if i take the snip before in my xboxmediacenter.xml, than i can see the right share folders but if i click on it the folder is empty..., is there a synthax-problem of my xboxmediacenter.xml file, or is it a bug of a buggy program ??

thanx Image

and the best reagards
and a happy new year for you

miamikel :d
--- i've found a solution by my self ---- Image

--------- snip ------------------


--------- snip ------------------

now it's run perfectly..., please is there somone how can write it in a faq for xbmc please Image


happy new year


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