Xlink page as default page on xbmc
hello i was wondering if you guys at xbmc can make a version of xbmc cvs that will only contain the xlink page...


so when i launch xbmc (kai version) it will send me directly to this page, i would love that and i know many other people would too.

you can keep all the great kai features on there to like voice and text chat, and if you like maybe add some background music, or an intergrated audio player.

thanks for the great program.
well... with the new on button scroller coding going on. you will be only one click away from kai anyways. so i don't think they will make a dumbed down xbmc specifically for kai interface.

but no hurting asking.
me and runtime just added a button linking directly to kai to the homescreen

it only shows up if kai is actually running thou

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Xlink page as default page on xbmc0