Kai/xbox/wireless bridge - pleae help
ok. i've read the user guide and help files as best i can understand them. this is my setup.

i have the latest build of xbmc. i have configured my tag and password, and set the engine ip address to that of my pc.

my xbox is connected to a netgear wge101 wireless bridge. my pc is connected to a netgear dg834g router.

in the kai configuration tool i have selected engine - dashboard only. i have cloned my xbox mac address to that of the wirless bridge under the wireless setting.

i have port forwarded 30000 udp to my pc ip address.

when i browse to an arena and play the game i cannot see any games at all.

question - my xbox is set as ntsc - does this have an impact on the games it may find?

question - the teamxlink site mentions about running a diagnostic. i have tried running this but i am a little uncertain if i am doing it right. if i launch the windows ui to perform the diagnostic, do i simply launch a game that will continually search for system link game, or does the xbox need to be running kai also? if it does not kai then how can i stop the windows ui shutting down when the xbox ui starts?

i have tried restarting the engine with the windows ui and performing the diagnostic once a game is in the system link state but it does not detect my console.

what am i doing wrong? please help. the previous posts i have looked at about not finding any games do not seem to have any solutions?
i have a simular setup. do you run your pc wireless? i did at first but it didn't work but with wire it was ok. also i added both the mac of my bridge and the mac from the xbox nic to be on the safe side.
my pc is connected to the router via an ethernet cable, not wirelessly. i shall try the nic of my ethernet card if you think it might help - should i be cloning this to my xbox's mac address also or the routers?
please, is there anybody out there that can offer any more help?
i will have a similar setup soon... i have gotton it to work similarly with testing wifi on xbox

dont even bother selecting wireless, if it is a bridge and your pc is wireless too... as long as they can see eachother.

thats how it worked for me.

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Kai/xbox/wireless bridge - pleae help0