Scan breaks ogg vorbis song display
edit: this is now fixed. thanks bobbin007 Smile

scan is not working for my ogg vorbis encoded files:

- when ogg vorbis encoded songs are scanned they are no longer displayed correctly (folder must be refreshed for this to show).

- instead of a filename, "84193. unknown - unknown" is
displayed for each song.

- filenames are not displayed regardless of id3 tag

- only way to get filenames back is to delete

other observations:
attempting to id3-tag ogg files breaks playback entirely.
display of untagged ogg files also gets broken when scanned.
mp3s are not affected (even when scanned with oggs).  

using xbmc build 2004-1-7
thanks for the info about albums/mymusic4.db
i have several mp3 files that would get the
"unknown - unknown" filename, and i did not
know how to get rid of it. now i know. thanks!
(still dosn't solve the issue, sorry)

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