I'd like to recommend the Mac OS X application iDentify2. If you are looking for a way to rename your itunes based library into a format that XBMC can recognise using it's own TVDB scraper then here is a very good option.
It's primary function is to take files from itunes, search themovieDB / TVDB / tagchimp, and improve their itunes tags.
Most importantly for me it can take a tagged file from itunes and rename it based on its itunes season / episode itunes tags into the proper format for XBMC. I have searched for months to find a program to handle this task for me under Mac OS X without luck, but this really fit the bill for me.
It currently requires registration to fulfil the renaming tasks ($9.95) and will apparently be available soon from the app store. You can find it currently at http://identify2.arrmihardies.com/
Just to make this clear - I am not associated with the author in any way and this is simply a personal recommendation. Apologies if the rest of the world is already using this little lifesaver!
It's primary function is to take files from itunes, search themovieDB / TVDB / tagchimp, and improve their itunes tags.
Most importantly for me it can take a tagged file from itunes and rename it based on its itunes season / episode itunes tags into the proper format for XBMC. I have searched for months to find a program to handle this task for me under Mac OS X without luck, but this really fit the bill for me.
It currently requires registration to fulfil the renaming tasks ($9.95) and will apparently be available soon from the app store. You can find it currently at http://identify2.arrmihardies.com/
Just to make this clear - I am not associated with the author in any way and this is simply a personal recommendation. Apologies if the rest of the world is already using this little lifesaver!