Not sure if this should be in the add-ons section or the Mac one, but decided on here eventually
This evening I upgraded to Frodo on my iMac, after running it initially on my Macbook.
I wanted to get to know it properly first before replacing a version of XBMC that I know well and with which I am very comfortable.
All went well, I learnt about various changes, the most important of which, from my perspective, is the new way of handling fan art.
As I have a stupidly large music library, and have spent countless hours finding and organising the fan art, I wanted to be sure that I was completely happy before I took the plunge.
So this evening I decided I was ready as I'll ever be, downloaded Frodo, installed, and started on the fan art.
Everything seemed to be going smoothly, all the film and TV thumbs and fan art copied over quite happily, and so did 98% of the album thumbs, before XBMC crashed altogether. I tried several times after that, without any success. In fact the percentage at which the crash occurred got lower and lower, this latest one happened at 28%.
I've also noticed that the the film and music libraries are updating on launch, even though this option has not been selected.
In the past when an application has done something like this I've trashed the relevant preference files, and that often seems to work. But I couldn't find any pref files to trash, so that didn't happen.
When I checked in /Library/Application Support/XBMC/userdata/addon_data/script.artworkorganizer there were no artist thumbs or fan art, but everything else seemed to have been copied.
While not a techie I do have a reasonable knowledge and I usually can stumble around enough until I fall over an answer, but this has got me beaten.
I really don't want to go back to Eden, that seems like a retrograde step, especially given the new features that Frodo offers, so if anyone has any ideas I'd be more than grateful. I have had a good trawl through the posts but couldn't find this same problem listed anywhere. If it's there and I've missed it then apologies.
Set up:
iMac late 2008 running Snow Leopard. (for no other reason than I haven't got round to changing)
music, film, TV libraries on external HDD
Crash log