What would be _really_ awesome would be somebody adapting squeezelite into a libsqueezelite and then incorporating that into Kodi as a proper internal player...
Just for history - XSqueeze was the first code I wrote after about a 10 year break from coding. I wrote it because someone was talking about how hard it wouldbe to do that ^ basically - I said it would be easy to embed a player. At that point squeezlite didn't even exist so the very first version was just using squeezeplay and it blacked out the screen and had the old two line VFD like display! Ah, good times. Anyway, people seems to like it so I worked on it a bit more, but this was before the JSON interface was all the way there, so it used all the old CLI (telnet) stuff and quickly became a bit of a mess. In retrospect, I wonder if XSqueeze somehow discouraged someone from doing a proper job and I am sad that even now, 5 or 6 years later or whatever it is, there still isn't a proper Kodi player that emulates a squeezebox. While it's great to see a whole lot of Kodi dev work in the music area, it would still be far nicer to be able to use LMS...which, despite it being a legacy product, remains to my mind far and away the best music serving software.
I really miss proper squeezeboxes
I still use my hardware ones....I have at least 6 or 7. And you can now build quite nice things (pi + touch display etc) - but it's such a shame not to have a great off the shelf system with its own screen, which was always the cool thing about squeezeboxes vs. pther solutions - and one that has such a malleable server system so you could do all sorts of crazy things with respect to music discovery etc.
It's one area of tech that has actually really gone backwards, although the Olive and Nativ players look interesting....but they are much more expensive unfortunately.