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Release Last.FM Scrobbler
Hello good sir, I absolutely love this add-on and really appreciate your work on it.

However I mainly use Kodi to play 5.1 audio (I use Foobar2000 for 2.0) and 5.1 audio files do not support tags (AC3, DTS, etc)

So Kodi is scrobbling the tracks, but due to their filenames, Last.FM is not scrobbling them correctly.

Here is a screenshot of what said tracks look like in Last.FM's Recent Tracks


This is exactly how the files themselves are named, isn't there a way you can extrapolate the artist name from the filename and have it correctly scrobble? I am no developer and don't understand the underlying code and how it interfaces with Last.FM's API, but it would be awesome if this were possible.

I also use CU LRC Lyrics and it's able to correctly pull lyrics from these same files with the same filenames, maybe you could examine their extrapolation implementation and adapt it?

Once again I really appreciate everything you've done and this is just a suggestion, everything else about the add-on works perfectly, but I'd love to see better 5.1 audio support from this add-on. (especially considering Kodi is definitely more home theater/surround sound oriented than most audio players)

(Again I know this is the codec's fault for lack of tags, but I do believe we can get it done via the filename!)

Thank you again Smile
thx! mind testing if this version fixes it?
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(2016-01-15, 22:36)ronie Wrote: thx! mind testing if this version fixes it?

I apologize it took me so long to test it and reply, I have finally had the time today, it works perfectly so far!

Thank you again, your fix was insanely fast! Smile
I have a problem with this scrobbler. I can see the current song on Last.fm website as "now playing" but it is never scrobbled.
I think last.fm is rejecting my scrobbles.

"DEBUG: service.scrobbler.lastfm - scrobbler: response {"scrobbles":{"@attr":{"accepted":0,"ignored":1},"scrobble":{"artist":{"corrected":"0","#text":"BRYAN ADAMS"},"ignoredMessage":{"code":"1","#text":""},"albumArtist":{"corrected":"0","#text":""},"timestamp":"80","album":{"corrected":"0","#text":""},"track":{"corrected":"0","#text":"Heaven"}}}}"

I'm using OpenElec with Helix skin. Tried version 1.1.0 and the newest one.
My log http://xbmclogs.com/p2rnjaxxc
Any idea why?
(2016-04-02, 16:39)ffgambler Wrote: Hi,
I have a problem with this scrobbler. I can see the current song on Last.fm website as "now playing" but it is never scrobbled.
I think last.fm is rejecting my scrobbles.

"DEBUG: service.scrobbler.lastfm - scrobbler: response {"scrobbles":{"@attr":{"accepted":0,"ignored":1},"scrobble":{"artist":{"corrected":"0","#text":"BRYAN ADAMS"},"ignoredMessage":{"code":"1","#text":""},"albumArtist":{"corrected":"0","#text":""},"timestamp":"80","album":{"corrected":"0","#text":""},"track":{"corrected":"0","#text":"Heaven"}}}}"

I'm using OpenElec with Helix skin. Tried version 1.1.0 and the newest one.
My log http://xbmclogs.com/p2rnjaxxc
Any idea why?

your system date / time is not set correctly.
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At what percentage of af track being played, does the last.fm add-on submit the scrobble?

If it is at 100% then would it be a lot of work to implement an option enabling the user to define at what percentage a scrobble should be submitted?

This feature would be similar to that which is offered in iTunes scrobbler for OS X.
(2016-04-11, 22:49)scporse Wrote: If it is at 100% then would it be a lot of work to implement an option enabling the user to define at what percentage a scrobble should be submitted?

the scrobble is submitted as soon the next song starts.
it will be a lot of work to change that.
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Thanks for replying so quickly. Smile

That's really too bad about it being too much work, adding a percentage option, but I suppose if the demand was great enough, someone would have built it already, so maybe I'm one of only very few people missing the feature.
Hi ronie,
first of all, thank you for making it possible for users to scrobble from Kodi to last.fm. Recently I have observed a behavior on my system which I would like to share with you and hopefully get some feedback:

It frequently happens to me that when I start a music playback after some period when Kodi was idle, the first track does not get scrobbled. I listen to complete albums, so I've noticed on my last.fm profile page that the first tracks from albums are often missing from my history. The remaining tracks till the end of playlist are always scrobbled just fine. So I searched through the debug log for entries related to the first tracks and found what I kind of expected:

19:29:42 662.910278 T:1860052032   DEBUG: service.scrobbler.lastfm - scrobbler: song scrobbling enabled: True
19:29:42 662.919189 T:1860052032   DEBUG: service.scrobbler.lastfm - scrobbler: radio scrobbling enabled: False
19:29:42 662.933228 T:1860052032   DEBUG: service.scrobbler.lastfm - scrobbler: artist:
19:29:42 662.937500 T:1860052032   DEBUG: service.scrobbler.lastfm - scrobbler: title:
19:29:42 662.939331 T:1860052032   DEBUG: service.scrobbler.lastfm - scrobbler: path: musicdb://songs/44423.flac?albumid=1313
19:29:42 662.963867 T:1860052032   DEBUG: service.scrobbler.lastfm - scrobbler: user flag: 1
19:29:42 662.965881 T:1860052032   DEBUG: service.scrobbler.lastfm - scrobbler: cannot scrobble track with no artist and track information

All the affected files are tagged properly so this is a case of not retrieving the tag information on time before the plugin starts to scrobble the data. Because I observe this behavior only on first tracks from albums, it might have something to do with the fact that there are more actions performed in Kodi at the beginning of album playback than later when playback of second or third track starts.

I also have to mention that my Kodi instance is running in a rather challenging environment - client runs on slightly overclocked RaspberryPi 2B+ which uses WiFi to access local network with NAS where music library files are stored (to be honest, the referred NAS is just a consumer-grade Linksys router with USB attached WD Passport drive) and served over FTP. So the performance and response times are not that great.

I was trying to figure out the moment in time when tags become available for the plugin and it seems to me that such moment might be identified in log with entry like this:

19:30:25 705.442627 T:1967087616   DEBUG: Loading additional tag info for file ...

...because in cases when the scrobble does not happen, this entry is seen logged only AFTER the entry from plugin that it cannot scrobble. It would make sense. Can you confirm this?

In your source code (scrobbler.py, onPlayBackStarted), I see that you count with such situation and you apply 500ms delay. So for now, I raised the sleep value to 1 minute on my machine because it sometimes really takes that long for the above entry to appear for first track. It solves my troubles, but I consider it more as a workaround than a solution because who knows what mess it could cause on tracks shorter than 1 minute. Do you think of any better way how this could be solved? Maybe triggering the scrobble action by a different event, not on OnPlayBackStarted?

Thanks in advance

debug log here: http://kucheek.deset24.net/kodi.log
i think your analysis and conclusion are spot on...

the big question remains, why does it take nearly a minute to fetch the id3 tags for the first song (only).
there's nothing in the log indication kodi is busy with other stuff in the background.

as there aren't any other events to react on, the only workaround would be to check for tags in a loop, with a small amount of sleep on each iteration.
i'm not sure whether or not this can cause issues with short tracks, testing will tell ;-)
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Thank you, I am available to perform any testing if you would like to try to solve it somehow.

I forgot to tell that I'm running a headless instance of Kodi. No screen device is attached, no interaction with GUI happens, just remote calls over API. I'm only thinking loud, but maybe Kodi is in no hurry to obtain the tags if there is no activity from any input device, no screen to display the track details, possibly the screensaver is also active?

It is sad that the ffmpeg decoder does not share the tags with the rest of Kodi and plugins, because from the log it can be seen that it reads tags almost instantly, much earlier than the OnPlayBackStarted event is raised.

As for the short first tracks (<1min) with the workaround applied, well they are not scrobbled Smile as have observed, but I can live with that for a while. It is not that frequent case anyway, only intros and crowd noise on some albums.
can you provide another Debug Log (without your changes applied to the addon)
and enable 'component specific logging' with all options checked?

this should provide a more verbose Debug Log
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I had to enable the component specific logging over advancedsettings.xml since I don't have access to GUI. After I restarted Kodi to apply the new settings, I did not manage to reproduce the problem so far. Will get back once (if) the problem occurs.
It may be a dumb question, but can I love trought Kodi? Is it a specific skin feature?
(2016-07-15, 01:57)onewaytrigger Wrote: It may be a dumb question, but can I love trought Kodi? Is it a specific skin feature?

yup, this addon provides the functionality to love a song.
but the skin needs to have a love button in order to use it.
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Last.FM Scrobbler5