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[RELEASE] XeeBo - Dharma
musera Wrote:Just a minor complaint about the recommended watches section. Currently for T.V Series it shows a random (in my testing unwatched) episode from a random series. In my belief what it should display is the first unwatched episode from a random series. I don't really want to just watch a random episode from anywhere in a series, I want to watch the next one that I haven't seen.

If you were to implement the feature like that then it would be very useful. I probably have over 150 different series that I never get around to watching just as a result of constantly overlooking them, if they came up randomly then I would be much more likely to just watch them ... heck I could imagine just having nights of watching the next random ep.

The last thing I would want is custom categories by way of smart playlists. I have 8 different smart playlists that I would like to be able to access easily, I don't care about the default categories as they are just too generic for me. I wish to be able to turn them off and add my own.

This really is a great skin and with some minor tweaks this could be the skin I will stay with for a long time. Until now I hadn't found any that meet my needs but this one is close.

Oh and can you add watched/got into the infobar in tv series? I normally really like to have this figure, it isn't as important as the tick saying I've watched them all but it is still a very useful figure for me.

That's just the way the random script works - it's random. Wink

You could add them to your Favourites as that is swapping places with Addons in the next update so it will be quicker to access.
Hey! Great skin! A small question regarding updates though. I see that you have updated the skin a few times but how do I get these updates?

I have installed from the official repo but it is the same version as it was when I installed a while ago.

Thanx for the great work!
You just have to wait for it to get updated on the repo - I've requested an update.
Fixed and updated czech strings.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

    <!-- Home -->
    <string id="31000">Nedávno přidané</string>
    <string id="31001">Doporučené</string>

    <!-- Window Titles -->
    <string id="31010">Video - Soubory</string>
    <string id="31011">Hudba - Soubory</string>
    <string id="31012">Editor seznamu skladeb</string>
    <string id="31013">Správce souborů</string>
    <string id="31014">Programy - Game Saves</string>
    <string id="31015">Nastavení - Zásluhy</string>

    <!-- Settings -->
    <string id="31030">Nastavení vzhledu</string>
    <string id="31031">Nastavení zobrazení a přehrávání videí</string>
    <string id="31032">Nastavení přehrávání hudby a internetového rádia</string>
    <string id="31033">Nastavení prezentace obrázků</string>
    <string id="31034">Síťová nastavení</string>
    <string id="31035">Nastavení vzhledu, přizpůsobení a jazyka</string>
    <string id="31036">Nastavení hardwaru a systému</string>
    <string id="31037">Rolovat děj, popisky atd.</string>
    <string id="31038">Různá nastavení vzhledu...</string>
    <string id="31039">Stahování a správa doplňků</string>
    <string id="31040">Obrázky</string>
    <string id="31041">Povolit Fanart</string>
    <string id="31042">Průhlednost pozadí</string>
    <string id="31043">Vybrat skript pro texty písní</string>
    <string id="31044">Vybrat skript pro titulky</string>
    <string id="31045">Vybrat obrázek na pozadí</string>
    <string id="31046">Vymazat obrázek na pozadí</string>
    <string id="31047">Vybrat složku obrázků na pozadí</string>
    <string id="31048">Vymazat složku obrázků na pozadí</string>
    <string id="31049">Poslední přihlášení</string>
    <string id="31050">Vymazat nastavení</string>
    <string id="31051">VAROVÁNÍ všechna nastavení vzhledu budou vymazána</string>
    <string id="31052">Nastavení - Nastavení vzhledu</string>
    <string id="31053">Vyberte umístění pro počasí</string>
    <string id="31054">Vytváření a správa uživatelských účtů</string>
    <string id="31055">Povolit stav 'Zhlédnuto' u videí</string>
    <string id="31056">Skrýt popisky 'Pro návrat stiskněte'</string>
    <string id="31057">Povolit skript 'TV Další vysílání'</string>

    <!-- Dialog Text -->
    <string id="31060">Pro zavření stiskněte</string>
    <string id="31061">Pro návrat stiskněte DOLŮ</string>
    <string id="31062">Pro návrat stiskněte DOLEVA</string>
    <string id="31070">od</string>
    <string id="31071">Vydáno</string>
    <string id="31072">Zpět</string>
    <string id="31073"> min</string>
    <string id="31074">Přečíst si více</string>
    <string id="31075">Hodnocení</string>
    <string id="31076">Text skladby</string>
    <string id="31077">Vybrat část, od které přehrávat.</string>
    <string id="31078">Hlasitost ztlumena</string>
    <string id="31079">Premiéra</string>
    <string id="31080">Další vysílání</string>
    <string id="31081">Zavřít</string>
    <string id="31082">Vysíláno</string>

    <!-- OSD -->
    <string id="31090">Přehrávání</string>
    <string id="31091">V.</string>
    <string id="31092">FFW</string>
    <string id="31093">RWD</string>
    <string id="31094">Menu</string>
    <string id="31095">Vysunout</string>
    <string id="31096">Záložky</string>
    <string id="31097">Ukládání do mezipaměti</string>
    <string id="31098">Skončí</string>
    <string id="31099">Frekvence</string>
    <string id="31100">Kanály</string>
    <string id="31101">Kodek</string>
    <string id="31102">Bitů</string>
    <string id="31103">Karaoke Song Selector</string>

    <!-- Main Menu -->
    <string id="31110">Přehrává se</string>
    <string id="31111">Extras</string>

    <!-- Weather -->
    <string id="31120">Všechny údaje o počasí poskytuje weather.com.</string>

    <!-- Browse Menu -->
    <string id="31130">Náhodně vypnuto</string>
    <string id="31131">Náhodně zapnuto</string>
    <string id="31132">UnFlatten</string>
    <string id="31133">Zobrazení</string>
    <string id="31134">Třídit</string>
    <string id="31135">Aktualizace zapnuty</string>
    <string id="31136">Aktualizace vypnuty</string>
    <string id="31137">Upozornění zapnuta</string>
    <string id="31138">Upozornění vypnuta</string>
    <string id="31139">Promíchání zapnuto</string>
    <string id="31140">Promíchání vypnuto</string>

Would love a pre-eden version of this skin!
Hi Hitcher, sorry for posting the same Czech strings again. I was looking into Xeebo svn and some letters were missing diacritic. Some problem with encoding... You can download strings.xml file saved in utf-8 here:

Thanks for adding.
the encoding issue was reported on the xbmc-addons list, and theuni wrote asking

"Ping. Mind giving this a quick fix? It's a shame to leave it
un-updated for something so small."

Wondered if you got that? Smile

Might be worth hosting the skin on your repo also, so people can get updates quicker ?
Been really busy but I've just pushed a few more changes and hopefully this will get updated soon.
Just a monitor point - your svn log messages seem to contain the entire list of stuff each time. I reckon you would find it easier to manage if you just note each specific change in each commit Smile
Oh I did have another request - please tell me if this is already handled and I missed it. Regarding the use on single click touchscreens, it would be nice if there was a way to access the context menu for a file with a single click. perhaps depending where you click on the file or via a button? not sure if that's possible. Also a way to access the volume easily from within the xbmc menus would be handy.
exobuzz Wrote:Just a monitor point - your svn log messages seem to contain the entire list of stuff each time. I reckon you would find it easier to manage if you just note each specific change in each commit Smile
Yeah I know I just get lazy and C&P most of the time.
exobuzz Wrote:Oh I did have another request - please tell me if this is already handled and I missed it. Regarding the use on single click touchscreens, it would be nice if there was a way to access the context menu for a file with a single click. perhaps depending where you click on the file or via a button? not sure if that's possible. Also a way to access the volume easily from within the xbmc menus would be handy.
I don't even know how the context menu is selected on a touchscreen to be honest. How is this (and volume) handled in other skins?
no other skins really work on single click touchscreens - the joggler skin being the only other one really. as for the context menu, if i have right click emulation i can sometimes get to it (the emulation being a click + hold but that often gets through to xbmc as a single click), but if there was another way to do it with a button on screen or a position to click the file at the end, that would be very handy
I don't know of a way to open the context menu via a button and even then that would mean losing focus on the selected item. Sorry.
I could install easystroke i guess and add a few gestures which should work. I believe xbmc was getting gesture support built in. there was an initial commit for something like this recently anyway. guess I must wait and see.
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[RELEASE] XeeBo - Dharma3