Posts: 140
Joined: Jan 2012
Hey Mad-max.. First of all very nice skin.. I hope you can help me, i've been thinking about it for a while now, is there any way of adding volumen control in the home screen and in the left view options menu? I find myself often only using a mouse to control xbmc and i cant find a way to turn up/down the volume?
Posts: 27
Joined: Mar 2011
I used the artwork downloader and clearart.png is now in every tv show folder. But they're not showing in the skin when i pause or push info.
Do i have to enable it somewhere?
Posts: 227
Joined: Jul 2009
hey mad max proper liking this skin now iv played about with it a bit!
just couple things...
when in music library if you select artist you can have wallview but when you select album you cant.
what would i have to delete and from where in order to remove the recently added music but keep movies and tv shows.
iv just noticed that someone else asked you to include some more home menu favourates shortcuts and your not keen due to performance which i understand but could you tell me how to do it please as i need another 4 lol
is anyone else having problems with "currently watching" for tv shows not dislaying anything other then 2 empty boxes
iv got notepad++ installed to mess with code so anything i can change just tell me the name of the xml and what line from and to
many thanks again for this rocking skin
Posts: 729
Joined: Jun 2011
hi mad max just wondering when the new version is going to be pushed to the repository would love to see all the new changes