Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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New observation. Toss up if you want to change this behavior but when activating a favorite from the favorites main menu (if it’s a window) triggers the green “toast” notification to appear but it appears within the pane instead of from the top of the device screen as you have changed it for subtitles and the settings menu.

Yep, I think i have seen this in some other places as well. Will put it to my backlog.

Edit: Found the root cause and started to work on it -> (the blue frame is for debugging)

Edit2: The more I am looking into this, the more I am asking myself, if I should just let all messages show from top with full width. For iPhone this can be done except for the settings menu, where a dedicated implementation is needed (fullscreen modal view). On iPad this would result in showing messages from the remote (e.g. "No subtitles available") or the server popup (e.g. "Connection timeout") not in the popover anymore, but also from screen top. Also the iPad messages which are related to a certain view (e.g. when adding a custom button from settings menu) would not show relative to the active stack slide but also on screen top with full width. Even though this would be more generic I feel the messages lose the context a bit.

Edit3: Looks like this. The code is so much much simpler with this change, glad I worked on it. (iPad) (iPhone)
Looks great!
There's two issues with this.
  1. On iPad the background is obscured while presenting the remote. You can see this from the dimmed message in the video. Not consistent, but I could live with that.
  2. On iPhone there're a disturbing animation going on when hitting "...more" the pane "right under" the remote screen. I am quite sure this is why another presentation mode was used all the time.
I am not clear on how to handle this yet.
Speaking of the …more settings pane. I have bad news. Since Xbox service is down today I was forced to use my windows box for Kodi. Since I’m able to use the settings menu on the remote with windows and I did some quick testing…

There is a problem where you flip between grid and list view is back. Grid view is entirely broken. Nothing is visible. Only list view works. This problem is where ever you are presented with the option for the different views. We definitely had this problem a couple of years ago.

I went back to the oldest available TF build and it was still present. Who knows when the regression manifested.
Confirmed, broke between 13.1 and 14 (Feb 21st), more than 4 months back, when reworking gesture recognizers. I quick fix is possible, but I would like to understand this better.

Edit: Understood and fixed. Not with a quick fix, but a proper one around how the grid view is initialized. On top made animations consistent when changing tabs.
Thank you as always for the urgency you give every reported issue, even when no urgency is necessary. 🙂👍🏻
Something I finally got working is playback to UPnP aka "Play using...". Since years I thought this would not be working from the API, but it just does not work for playing playlist ids, which is the default approach for the iOS Remote App.

Just found a very minor visual disparity on the toast notifications. For the remote screens (the normal and the mini one behind the now playing screen) have matching heights. However the toast on the right hand settings pane is actually a little taller.

Which iPhone is this? On iPhone 14 Pro simulator I am not seeing this.
I have a 15pro
Nope, looks perfect on both my 14 Pro (iOS 17.5.1) and 15 Pro (simulator 17.2). Which build you have installed?
Bizarre. I have the latest TF. I can do a video demonstrating it too but it’s unlikely to help you.
Not needed, I believe you. There is a difference we did not figure out yet. What iOS do you use?
I’m on 17.6
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