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Wait until iOS 18 comes out in the next few weeks and brings more new quirks. šŸŽ‰
(2024-09-01, 22:41)amasephy Wrote: Wait until iOS 18 comes out in the next few weeks and brings more new quirks. šŸŽ‰

LOL! šŸ˜‚
When the first Xcode release with iOS 18 support is out, I will give it a try. But I am not messing around with the Beta-versions.
(2024-09-01, 19:21)UlfSchmidt Wrote:
(2024-09-01, 18:39)Buschel Wrote: ā€¦
Feel free to propose / visualize options.

While I was checking your suggested options I realized that my own ideas all would work well in landscape mode, but never in portrait. Typical example of an iPad user who never ever uses his pad like a phone. Stupid me. Sad

But maybe someone else comes up with some feasible solution, working in both orientations?

A new idea just came up on my mind (regarding the direct access to subtitles and audio tracks from the Now Playing screens), and I would really appreciate your common feedback on this:

Why donā€™t we simply replace the Repeat and Shuffle buttons (which imho only make sense when playing music) with Subtitles and Audio buttons when a movie or tv show is played back?

This would not only minimize the layout changes, it would bring always the most important functions to the Now Playing screen, depending on the content playing.
(2024-09-04, 06:54)UlfSchmidt Wrote: Why donā€™t we simply replace the Repeat and Shuffle buttons (which imho only make sense when playing music) with Subtitles and Audio buttons when a movie or tv show is played back?

This would not only minimize the layout changes, it would bring always the most important functions to the Now Playing screen, depending on the content playing.
This would make layout easier, but it would functionality which might be needed when watching shorter videos, music videos or even TV Shows. The repeat/shuffle functions are generic for music and video and I would like to keep them on the screen. If at all I am adding subtitle / audio stream buttons I would add them in addition.

Btw, today the app reached a global 4.4 rating in AppStore. Nice! Thanks to everyone making this a better App. Smile
Cheers to that! Does the App Store indicate how many users there are?
(2024-09-06, 08:14)Buschel Wrote: ā€¦
If at all I am adding subtitle / audio stream buttons I would add them in addition.

Btw, today the app reached a global 4.4 rating in AppStore. Nice! Thanks to everyone making this a better App. Smile

The App could easily reach a full five star ranking, if you would follow my advice and add the missing subtitle and audio buttons. No, just kidding. Thanks for your continuous contribution.

But (und an dieser Stelle folgt mein Aber) there are in fact other Kodi remote apps in the store with a higher rating. And all these allow the direct control of the subtitles and audio track from the Now Playing screen. Just saying Wink
Is it possible to create an overlay on the now playing screen where you can add this additional functionality? You may consider VLC for inspiration on this. It uses an overlay for things like volume control.

So in addition to audio stream and subtitles you would be able to add a volume slider. Maybe use gyro movement for handset movement detection and display a semi transparent overlay of these additional controls. When interacting with the controls make them opaque for a few seconds and then dim back to semi transparent and then invisible. They could be placed in a vertical arrangement on the right hand side of the screen.
amasephy Wrote:Cheers to that! Does the App Store indicate how many users there are?
AppStore provides some basic metrics on this. There are between 11000 to 14000 users who start the App within a month. This varies over the year, lowest during summer time and highest during christmas vacation. Generally, this number is sinking over the last years. I assume this is an effect of people moving towards streaming and apps provided fĆ¼r their TVs. Overall there are 1 million updates done for each new version, but this of course includes atomic updates of unused installations.
amasephy Wrote:The App could easily reach a full five star ranking, ...
Reaching this is far away for many reasons, not only the missing subtitles on NowPlaying Smile
  • Many old 1-star ratings when the app broke in iOS14. Nothing I could do about it, but I didn't want to reset all ratings (ratings since 1.6.0 average above 4.6)
  • Regular 1-star ratings related to not being able to connect the remote to Kodi (Kodi is not so straight forward for non-technical users and some hard to crack issues)
  • Disliking the layout or UI flow
  • Missing personal use cases (e.g. local playback, using iOS playback controls, you-name-it)
@amasephy, on the overlay proposal: I do not see a benefit compared to the existing solution. On both iPad or iPhone the remote (with its volume/subtitle/audio controls) can be brought with 1-click / swipe anyway. To improve this I only see the option to place subtitle/audio buttons directly on NowPlaying.
I discovered a minor inconsistency, but I donā€™t know whether it is caused by Kodi server or the app (I also donā€™t even know if itā€™s worth thinking about it):
Today, I added two albums to my music library and one movie to my video library. Both albums immediately appeared in the section ā€œRecently Added Albumsā€, but for the movie I had to manually update the movie list in the app.
Just added a movie to my Kodi 21.0 setup. It was listed in App's "Recently Added" w/o sync'ing movies. It was not listed at the top, but somewhere in the middle of the 25 results. This is shown unsorted, as it comes from Kodi. I see no problem here -- except I wondered why the result is per default not sorted by data added.
Yes, you are right. Itā€™s the sort order, or the lack of it, that put me in the wrong direction. Any newly added movie is also there, confirmed. Case closed. Smile
I cannot see rhe logic behind the sort order yet. How is it sorted for albums, newly added on top?
Yes, for albums it works as I would expect it: the most recent addition is listed first, older additions follow sorted by new to old.
For movies, I have no idea, the next to last movie is listed on top, the last addition somewhere in the middle of the list. They arenā€™t sorted by release date, either.
Very strange indeed!
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